
I can't believe y'all are so ignorant and hatin on this show. SNOOP-GUISTICS is brilliant. Like "LINGUISTICS" - I love this show, and snoop and his family. I think a lot of the different parts of it are well-thought out and creative. Of course these shows have to be scripted somewhat- but I get a good honest vibe.


People ere not looking for "good honest vibes" Maria. Instant high from TV like drugs/alcohol. They are looking for what satisfies them at THAT moment which is why shows like this exist. Someone IS supporting even if I'm not. The reason I do not like the show is several reasons. Keep in mind I'm older than Snoop, his entire staff and his wife too.

1) They are not comfortable with themselves enough to be on TV like this - seemingly

2) It feels forced due to financial reasons and not because they have something to offer. Like Run's family, they felt they had something to bring to the table and to me they do. Justine's struggle with her weight a lot of women can relate to that. The kids she raising that she did not give birth too. Another thing people can relate to. Run and his relationship with his children. I am not seeing this with Snoop & Family. I am not relating to anything they do. It feels like a rich family going broke and not they need to continue the lifestyle and here we are. Sorry but if the cast were white I'd feel the same. Ohhhkkk, Hulk Hogans's crappy show. Now there ya go. And look what happened next.

3) They've not learned how to ENJOY things everyone else takes for granted. I sit everyday enjoying German friends and others across the globe wishing I could see their country other than the online sources that I've used for a milisecond of it.

Anyhow, I was turned off after the VMA ep. and I never went back. Say whatever you like but that's my .00 cents and I hold firmly too it. Snoop needs to make music $$ so they can sustain. If Shante wants to be a stay @ home Mom, I love it. But if you're habits (or lack of) far out weight your $$'s well, ya'll pay good accountants & lawyers for advice!!

I say this just one time - it's time we all got some funshine.


I. Love. This. Show.

