This show Is TERRIBLE

Can actors and rappers please stop thinking that there life is so interesting that there needs to be a tv show about it. I watched about 10 minutes of this show and it is unbearable. Please Snoop Dogg, cancel your show.


yeah and extreeeeemly scripted and fake


Yea it's pretty bad and obviously scripted but it's somewhat entertaining to watch... Well Snoop is at least.


i live in the uk and just watched the first episode snoop it like beckham its a funny show if you live in the uk you can catch all new episodes sundays on E!at 10.30pm and 2nite was the premier of the show


The show is so obviously scripted, I hate when these reality shows that are supposed to be their real life and it's all fake, and it's not even a question of maybe it's scripted, it's so obviously scripted.


if you're a big snoop fan then you're gonna watch it

