whats the deal with this crap?

theyre promoting it like if its the god damn super bowl

who gives a *beep* about

a black family ...

not me


Lol you're an idiot. Long live the Obama's!!!
KABANG shoot from the hip!



Oooh, that's so bold and brave of you to say such derogatory things over the internet. Lol, Obama is your president and he has a beautiful n!gger wife and n!gger kids, and there's not much you can do about it. I suggest you sell all of your televisions, because n!ggers and other minorities will be on them from here on out. Go ahead and drink the purple Kool aide and be done with it!

KABANG shoot from the hip!



good for you, but you're not playing the role well. You should reconsider your race!

KABANG shoot from the hip!


ur also a troll



cancel this

southenr crap

all the celebrities in the world cant save snoop
