Robert de Niro

I just saw this movie and I loved it.
But when I was watching the credits I saw that Robert de Niro was credited.
Does anyone know what kind of a role he played, was it a cameo of some sort?
He's not on the IMDB cast list, but he definitely wás in the credits.
This is gonna drive me nuts!


If you click the 'more' button under the cast list, you'll find a CHARACTER listed called Robert De Niro, played by an actor called Yamin Dib. No idea what the role is, as I haven't seen it yet, but I don't have to wait much longer.....!


It's a minor part, where a guy who looks like De Niro makes a joke about Goodfellas. Very funny.


Oh, that explains it, I guess I missed that.
I'll watch it again when it gets released on dvd.


As said before he's not in it, though Audrey Tatou does make a small (so small you might well miss it) cameo.


I guess I missed that too.
Where does she appear?
I can't wait to see this movie again on dvd.


I don't think she's in it. However, on the DVD there's a great 50-minute making-of documentary, and it shows her making a set visit when they're filming the scene where Dany Boon approaches that devil mime in front of the Moulin Rouge. So IF she makes a cameo appearance, it's probably as a random passer-by in that scene. I didn't see her.


It wasn't the real Robert De Niro, but the lookalike guard who did a brief impression of Travis Bickle in 'Taxi Driver'. I think the scene took place in the airport.


Hm, Mimacs is listed on Robert de Niro's imdb credits, not as a character, but as an actor.



Might be because they used his voice, but not his face... ;)

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