Handclap trick

Does anyone know where I can find more information about the handclap trick Bazil does in the beginning and the end of the movie?


I've seen similar gags before but I can't recall where.


You might as well have not replied at all, man.


"You might as well have not replied at all, man." that's sure the pot calling the kettle black & it wasn't even the OP that remarked,ha

As far as the the hand tricks, I've seen some variations but I think it's one of those things that you can either do, or not do at all, no matter how hard you try, it is intriguing though

You stream it, I watch it, I spread the word = BUZZ 4 Films That Need It!


If memory serves, it has been used in 3 Stooges bits, or something very similar.
Perhaps "woo woo woo" and "soitenly" don't translate into French.


Hey, you are totally right! I can't believe I didn't think of that.

You stream it, I watch it, I spread the word = BUZZ 4 Films That Need It!


It's merely a matter of practice. It's sinply finger snapping and slapping the palm of one hand onto the back/side of the other. Once you can do it rapidily you work out a rhythm. British Comedian Frank Skinner is quite good at it and has done it occasionally on TV


I've tried, I guess I my coordination isn't good enough, or my finger's are too big. I went out to get a ring & they pretty much don't make size 16 which is unfortunate for my middle finger
I guess looking back I shouldn't have cracked my knuckles 100,000 times over the years, arthritis here I come!

My Identity's been stolen,I'm waiting for another one


I guess looking back I shouldn't have cracked my knuckles 100,000 times over the years, arthritis here I come!


A common misconception. Cracking one's knuckles doesn't cause arthritis or rheumatism in your knuckle joints. That's an old wives tale.
