
The rating says that this movie has some sexuality

can someone temme what and how good the sexuality is


Hi, I don't really understand what do you mean by 'how good the sexuality is', but I can tell you that supporting actors are having sex in a window, and a security guard is wathcing them on a cam. In the previous scene the same characters are seen, I don't remember if they're naked or not.


I guess that means reeeeal goood sexuality.


In the previous scene the same characters are seen, I don't remember if they're naked or not.

I don't think there was any nudity at all, in either scene.

What's that... a secreter room?


There were tits shown in two occasions. That is all.

I like goats.


I think the OP means is is there anything in this film that he can freeze-frame and wank over...


I don't think there was any nudity at all, in either scene.
True, but there was sexuality.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out
