Who will voice Joker?

With the unfortunate loss of Heath Ledger who will voice the part of the joker? Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Michael Richardson, Cesar Romero, or Paul Molner perhaps?

I know some of those are completely unfeasible ... especially the dead ones. But, I thought I'd compile the most comprehensive list of Jokers I could. I personally prefer in this order:


If you haven't seen Molner perform you should check out his performances in Patient J. Produced by Bat in the Sun Productions. They have a myspace page and the full video is on google videos. Very good quality work.


Of course my number one preference would be to have Heath Ledger voice his own part



Have you played LEGO Star Wars or LEGO Indiana Jones? They don't have voices.

Signatures suck, don't they? So misleading...



Actually I hadn't played them. But now I know ...

:( I like voices ...


And knowing is half the battle!

"I have yet to show you, young warrior, what I'm truly capable of."


Alright, So, lets make this a hypothetical question of who would be the better voice.


Well to me, no matter how good Jack Nickolson was and how good Ledger will be, Mark Hamill will always be the true Joker for me. He imcorporated every element in the character through his voice; pure evil, intimindating, insane, comical at times, and funny too. He would be the perfect choice as this is closer to the animated version of Joker. Hamill provides an evil voice which is needed as seeing the trailer, Joker has already wiped out mass amount of people in inhumane ways. Regardless, I prefer no voices as they would ruin the mood for this particular game. It's lets them be more creative with their gestures to convey what they are planning and saying.

Go out for a night of killing and all the anger goes away until it builds up again


All the lego Joker does is some insane laughter, which is ok?


Caeser romero is dead. But anyhow there's no voices in the game, all dialogue is printed on screen.

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