
I am stuck on the level where you fly through Gotham chasing Scarecrow, and I am stuck. I am at the part where there are three columns of fire blocking the way. Can somebody help?



Ok... i've been stuck on this FOR DAYS.

And not because I don't know what to do (its farily clear). The problem is that, i do it, and nothing happens.

I've destoyed all 6 or so of the missle guns and now i'm just stuck in the Gotham Skies. It was clear that the box on the platform was something important, and reading this, i have found that yes, it is. I have shot it with god knows how many bullets and even fired a couple of Batman missles into it. NOTHING HAPPENS. the box will not blow up.

Anyone have ANY advice????


I'm not sure where you are...

Have you destroyed the metal pipe with the three flames coming out of it yet?

If you haven't...
-You have to destroy the little grey house looking thing on top of a building right after you fly through the opening you created by destroying the Scarecrow billboard.
-In the back left corner of this area, between two of those purple and white missile launchers.
-You should be able to just sit there and shoot at it to destroy it.
-Once it's destroyed, switch to Robin's helicopter and grab the grenade/missile thing where that structure used to be.
-Then just use his tow cable to drag the grenade to the pipe with the flames and swing it into it, which will destroy the pipe and open up the next area.

If you have destroyed the pipe with the flames...
-Fly into the next area, through the opening where that pipe used to be.
-Fly around, destroy everything you possibly can.
-On top of a building in the bottom right corner of this area(near the gate blocking your path) you should have destroyed something that was covering up one of Robin's grenade spots.
-Switch to Robin's helicopter again and he'll automatically target it.
-Grab that grenade, then tow it over to the building directly across from the one with the grenades(top right corner) with a shiny silver box on top.
-Use Robin's grenade thing to destroy the box.
-With the box gone, there should be a smaller, yellow, box with the Batman symbol on it where the silver box used to be.
-Switch to the batwing and shoot the box with the Batman symbol. It should open up and become one of those spots where Batman can collect torpedoes.
-Fly over it and get the torpedoes.
-Fly towards the gate blocking the next area and Batman will automatically target the purple/white missile launchers.
-Destroy the missile launchers, and the gate vanishes, opening up the next area.

"When you have a fat friend, there are no see-saws. Only catapults."


Be robin and tow the bomb(Should be at the start of the ZONE)

Egg on your face!
