MovieChat Forums > Monster (2008) Discussion > Absolutely the worst ripoff ever~!

Absolutely the worst ripoff ever~!

This is exactly what we all feared in the beginning cloverfield would be.. A Bad blairwitch knock off of a monster movie.. Two chicks running around with a video camera yelling OMG! over and over brief glimpses of fake add in cgi tentacles and a disrupted cut of the camera every 2 mins for no real reason at all. If my camera cut off that frequently for no reason I would have tossed it in the trash long before any monster got me. lol~!

Anyway it's just as I suspected a really bad rip off probably made in a day and released in time to scoop up some dollars of people thinking it was the japanese version of the film made prior to the American version.. aka Ringu.
This crap couldn't even match the quality of the Japanese film "The Host"

Even Transmorphers.. which was another bad rip off along with AVH were better than this film... Asylum has Has finally reached the the bottom of the pit of garbage and created a new genre.. It's no longer B rated.. It's F rated as in "WTF" is this? High school level filmography stuff at best.

TFW38 The MediaMafia

-Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?
For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you ever have seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you’ll be begging for more...[Saliva"Ladies & Gentlemen"]


wtf are you talking about, The Host was one of the best monster movies released in years. BTW it was from South Korea not Japan.

Have yet to see "Monster" but am looking forward to seeing it, to have a good laugh. For some reason I like watching Asylum's films as comedies. Going in I know not to take them serious at all, which is why I think these dvd fly off the shelves. They have a niche, they know what thy are doing and it works. They are not going to compete with large studios, so why would they?
