blair witch

Is it just me or did anyone else feel this was a copycat of blair witch? Young people filming a documentary. They're dead and their tapes are found by someone who gets the tapes to the girls' father who contacts a movie studio. It had that same annoting hand-held filming that blair witch did.


Bloody obvious ripoff. Also, very poor movie, like BWP ;)


I wouldn't be so lethargic if I weren't so apathetic.


All asylum movies are ripp-offs, but this was a ripp-off Cloverfield (which was an awsome movie).


I dare do disagree, Cloverfield sucks nearly as badly, as Monster. In simple words, I would give them 4/10 just for better fx. plot, camera, characters, acting - sucks. In simple words.


I wouldn't be so lethargic if I weren't so apathetic.


If we are talking copying a film style then you need to go at least to the grand daddy of them all, Cannibal Holocaust, which uses the same format where a group of people are filming a documetary on a handheld video camera and the video is found after their well deserved deaths.
