MovieChat Forums > Bonekickers (2008) Discussion > BBC Hypocrites Ban Muslim Extremism Plot...

BBC Hypocrites Ban Muslim Extremism Plots

Last year BBC executives banned a Casualty story which featured a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists because it was felt it might cause offence.

Despite the events of 7/7, and the threat from radicalised Muslim groups being very real, the BBC put a ban on a plot which explored the consequences of the reality we face.

Contrast this approach to last night's Bonekickers, or its broadcasting of Jerry Springer The Opera, or the general depiction of Christians and church figures in BBC dramas. The BBC are cowards and hypocrites. Its PC obsessed, gutless, leftist executives would rather take cheap shots at the white, English, Christian classes that it despises than address the real issues of the day.

Bonekickers even gave us that most popular of plot twists. Non Muslims carrying out an evil act dressed as Muslims so that Muslims get the blame. This is a deliberate echo of 9/11 conspiracy theories and we've seen it before in BBC dramas such as Spooks, The State Within, and even Robin Hood.

What I want to know is how much longer are we going to be forced to fund this sort of propaganda with one hand up our backs?



well you never know, there was a catholic guy in the US that blew up abortion clinics to get this stuff across, and they burn Qur'ans over there too. I'm sure that there are as many christian extremists as any other group, whether it be religious, or just based on their opinions.


Timothy Mcveigh was a devout Catholic and he carried out the Oklahoma City Bombing which was the worst terror attack on US soil prior to 9/11.

Though to be fair he did it because he was angry at the US governments actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco, not because the Bible told him to. He also said he would have chosen another target if he had known there were children in the building.



Actually, Swordwind-4, Timothy McVeigh was an Agnostic when he carried out his attack in Oklahoma City.

I know it spopular to cite him as a Catholic, but that too is just part of the PC-media bias. And to prtomote him from "Catholic" to "Devout Catholic" is sometign that sadly happens when one accepts the initial lie, then lets it grow.

McVeigh was raised in a Catholic hime but in his teenaged years stopped goign to Mass and adopted Agnostic beleifs which remained with him until his death, and which he even admited to n prison to a Journalist.

When the bombing occured, McVeigh had not set foot in a Churhc in years, and had no intention pf praying or scripture reading or praying a rosary. How you get "Devout Catholic" from that is beyind me.

CNN mentioend his Last Rites as an anomoly.

Even that crap source Wikipeida says this abotu his "Devout Catholic" beelifs.

Religious beliefs

After his parents' divorce, McVeigh lived with his father, and his sisters moved to Florida with their mother. He and his father were devout Roman Catholics who often attended daily Mass. In a recorded interview with Time Magazine[3] he professed his belief in "a God", though he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "never really picked it [back] up." The Guardian reported that McVeigh wrote a letter claiming to be an agnostic[4], though his execution included a Roman Catholic ceremony.

McVeigh wasn't a Devout Catholic at the itme of the bombings. At best you can describe him as a Lapsed Cahtolic. Even this contradicts his own claims about himself made to his sister, CNN reporters, and the whole world.



I take it you have never seen SPOOKS?,several plots about muslim terrorist plots in the last few series.

As for Christian terrorists,of course there are some,WARRIORS OF CHRIST THE KING in Spain for example,PRO LIFE groups in America not usually nade up of atheists,the IRA claimed to some audiences to be marxist but they never attacked the Catholic church and always supported that organisations agenda.

The Daily Mail,anti BBC,pro "Christian" stuff seems to be an organised campaign by people who are as out of touch with the modern world as the muslims they claim to oppose,down with all religious fanatics.



I think ALL religion should be banned. It's caused more harm than anything else throughout history.

I'm also tired of harign this often-repeated claim. Actually Religion has not caused mroe harm than anythign else throguhout history. Communism killed more people, even by percentage, than anythign else. Desires of various Kings and Presidents for land and expansion, as well as a concept of manifest destiny, also caused far mroe misury.

When we look back at real history, not the spoon fed drivel we get usually from the Anti-Religious ( Who themselves are, Ironiclaly, Religious by and large) we see that a desire to dominate others or to take land and resocuces to increase ones own wealth are common factors in wars, and usually are what spark them. THey are also what tend to cause civil strife, and, in individual lives, what causes people to suffer.

Noen of this is caused by Religious teachign and is often coutneracted by religions which teach comoassion and the need to love others and rspect them.

Recent studies have shown, time and again, that deeply religious communties have less crime and mroe social cooperation.

So, no, Religion hasn't caused more harm than anythign else throughout history.

But since we're on the subject of Islam,

Actually Islam is only a vauge note. Mainly we're onthe topic of there beign no Christian terror groups.

it never fails to amuse me how the extremist ones tend to be so utterly thick.

Actually, the extremist Muslims, the ones who are terorists, aren't thick. They do manage to carr yout attacks after foilign our security and military forces, whilst living undetected 7 years later somewhere, still able to carry on their schemes.

That takes a good dal of cunning.

The perfect example was the reaction to the cartoon depicting Muhammad as a terrorist. How did some Muslims in London protest to show they're not fanatics? One dressed as a suicide bomber, complete with backpack, and the others held placards saying "kill the infidels."
"I'ma bust you up."

But those street protestors, as stupid as they where, in tryign to prove they wheren't violent by beign violent, do nto speak of the actual terrorists who woudl generlaly use them to further disrupt society, but woudl nto join them, because they have other thigns on their minds.

Nor does it show any real reason to asusme that all religions and all religiosu peopel shudl be feared, and religious shoudl be banned.

Incednetllay,uo can't ban relgiion, you can just replace it with another relgiion. Even Richard Dawkisn is a Religious man, sicne he has a clear ideology he follows.

And, so are you.
