Made me smile

This movie wasn't perfect, but it did what I hoped it would - it entertained me.

Best fun I've had watching an Aussie movie in many years.


I agree. It was the first time in awhile I watched a movie and didn't judge it critically. There need to be more Aussie films out there.


Before the third song I knew I wanted to buy the sountrack.


I smiled too. I also laughed out loud which I don't do very often. it was a great Aussie film.


It was fun and entertaining and the songs were catchy, nice film to watch if you want something light.


The absolute definition of a “feel good movie”. It doesn’t pretend to be high art, it just exists to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

I was feeling a bit low today and this movie lifted my spirits 100%. Not many movies do that for me these days.

I give it a heartwarming 4/5
