John McClain...

My favorite sports becomming an actor?? I leave Houston to go fight a war in Iraq these past five years and all hell has broken loose in Houston. Whats next??? Bud Adams gains a heart?

All in all, this flick looks pretty nice. I'll be waiting to see it.


You've been in Iraq for five years?

Y'all can go to hell. . .I'm goin' to Texas


Left Houston little over five years ago in 2002.

- Three years in Iraq.

- One year in Bulgaria.

- One and a half years in Germany.

- Five whole months spent during that time in Houston on leave, with my now six year old son.

The things they don't tell you when you enlist....


Well, welcome home. Hope you can stick around for a while.

Y'all can go to hell. . .I'm goin' to Texas
