Favorite Quotes?

Mine is probably not the actual quote.

[Guillotine ax thingy trap comes down]
Flynn: Would that have killed you?
Simone: Yes, head chopping off is as bad as sunlight. We go poof!

Proud supporter of "Amen": aka Amy and Ben


"Yay, Newton!"


"Think of yourself as a celibate monk, we do"


When Flynn stood up and said all dramatically "One million dollars!" That was great!

Light the lamp, not the rat. Light the lamp, not the rat!


Ivan: [to Flynn] You're always talking, like, in whole paragraphs. You ever notice that?

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


Haha I agree my fav line is what Stanas character says. "Head cut off, as bad as sunlight. I go poof" just the way she delivers the line.
Tbh anything she says is awesome :)
