How Many Men...

...will this woman lead to their deaths?
This character is so frustrating.

I'm been watching this for an hour and I've just witnessed her stand by and allow the deaths of not one but two people. The last guy was screaming for her and she just stood there with the weapon raised. Help him.
I'm not into violence against women, considering that I am one. LOL But - if that guy, who was nice enough to take her to that place so that she could send her mssg, had smacked the hell out of her after getting bitten?
I wouldn't have blamed him.
Even if you don't have a weapon, pick something up and start swinging.


She did just stare with the gun but it's not like he was with good people. His fellow comrades were about to kill her minutes before the mutants came.

Also, she had to reserve those bullets to protect herself.


Even at close range, she'd be just as likely to hit the good guy as she would the mutants. Besides, you're quick to pick on the woman for not being enough of a hero, rather than that jerk Frank who smacked Sonia and the other woman around, and threw the other woman to the mutants?

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


You missed the part where even after the zombie was dead she was still pointing the gun at him? She didnt care who won the tussle. When the man won she kept pointing her gun at him so she could make a call on the radio without being stopped
