MovieChat Forums > The Jerk Theory Discussion > Why I married a jerk!

Why I married a jerk!

Girls like me date or marry jerks for one reason... we walk all over nice guys! Not intentionally, but reviewing my past, when I was with nice guys I took advantage of their trust and flat out got bored. My husband tolerates me and I tolerate him. LOL Strong women need someone to keep up with them and challenge them. Sometimes I daydream "What if I married a nicer guy, or I wish my husband was nicer..." but in reality NO ONE can put up with how fast paced and demanding I can be. Luckily I am an adult now and know myself. In High School girls are insecure and want the rebel or bad boy and nice guys are the best friend to cry too or we assume they are gay. Sorry nice guys but this movie nails the truth!


Sounds to me that your just a bitch,enjoy your failing life and wife beating husband.

Hallelujah Hollaback!
A proud supporter of the "Make Underworld 3 a Sequel Campaign"


I can picture you now...Your life sucks and whatever looks you had in your 20's are all gone. So have fun with your Jerk husband while he is railing a hot 20's something chick. Oh go ahead and get plastic surgery so you look like and older tramp....HA HA HA HA HA.


It beats me why, when someone posts a message that seems to be an honest, open-hearted assessment of their personality, failures and all - and it just happens to possibly be in consequence to seeing their life mirrored in a film - other people feel compelled to jump in with semi-abusive comments that can be hurtful but can serve little useful purpose. Why tell people you don't know that their life sucks or that they're a bitch? Come on guys, grow up.




You're exactly right. If my partner is too nice and giving, I lose respect for him and consequently any attraction or love I had for him initially. I'm not saying all women are like this, but many are. We (men and women) need partners that can challenge us and call us on our *beep* when necessary.


It doesn't sound like you're a bitch, but it definitely sounds like you have a history of low self-esteem and a really shallow attitude towards love, trust, friendship and romance.

And you're nothing special. There are LOTS of women out there who act the way you do and demean "nice guys" and "walk all over them".

This movie not only sucks, it doesn't "nail" any truth. If you choose to be a promiscuous shell of a human being and are incapable of truly loving and respecting someone, then of course you will be attracted to some bad boy jerk type because he's just like you.

You are a disgrace to nice, confident women who have the courage to find real love in life.

The good news for us "nice guys" and "nice gals" out there is that people like you end up miserable and lonely and because you're too afraid to be loyal, kind, decent and warm towards people, you miss out on true love.

You're a coward and posting something like this with such arrogance just shows how little, meek and lonely you really are.




I'm starting to think that some of you ladies here are confusing the term "jerk" for a confident, handsome alpha male type. It's not the same at all.

Jerks are not confident they are arrogant (big difference), and the way they look varies as much as the way nice guys look.

Modern society's "alpha males", the man's man type (think Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, etc), are usually cool people inside and out. Real confidence doesn't create a bad personality.

A jerk is someone who doesn't respect you, treats you like dirt, lies to you, cheats on you, maybe beats you once in a while, hates your family, hates your friends, most likely hates you too, has no tact, has no taste, has no integrity and is usually filled to the brim with some form of self loathing and has many skeletons in the closet.

Jerks are a mirage of confidence.

This is all making me think that maybe the OP's "jerk" isn't really a jerk at all.

Meh, either way.. to each his/her own..



On one hand you don't want to be bored, on the other hand you sound like a pretty boring and shallow person. It's confusing.

What "challenge" are you talking about? Having some smug bastard cheat on you and seeing if you can take it? Or is it the challenge of taming some wild stallion -- which in that case, if you ever succeed at doing that he'll only hate you and become an impotent loser who refers to you as "the wife". It sounds like you just want to see if you can conquer a guy who you feel overpowers you. Sounds like penis envy. And I'll let you in on a little secret.. even the nicest of nice guys is still a male at the end of the day and has a natural tendency to dominate. Nice guys have evolved past that primitive mindset and at least try their hardest to show some respect.

If a girl like you found a nice guy and had the balls to tell him flat out "I want you to challenge me and call me out on my *beep* most nice guys I know would jump at that option. They're nice because they are usually raised to treat women with dignity. I guess that's a horrible crime in this world these days.

It's funny how pissed off you'd be if this were the other way around. Say you met some bad boy who "called you out on your *beep* (btw, are you starting to see how pathetic that is).. and you married him.. pumped out a few kids.. and then one day you're 45, no longer that cute girl you were ten years ago and meanwhile your balding husband is banging some 25 year old $lut who is gaga over him because he's "such a jerk!".

It's a vicious cycle. If you want to domesticate some evil, rude, aggressive, demeaning, disrespectful and unfaithful neanderthal prepare to be on the receiving end someday. I bet your kids will love you for that.


People confuse being a nice guy with being a pussy. I'm a nice guy but I'm not letting anyone walk all over me. What kind of jerk do you want? Someone to slap you around or something?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Exactly. I see it this way; if you're confident, popular (not faux popularity, the real kind, where people like you for who you are), friendly and know you're worth something -- why would you need to be boisterous, violent, unfaithful, mean spirited, tactless or sexist?

Nice guys aren't pussies at all. On the contrary, being nice means you've got confidence, thick skin and some pretty big juevos to begin with. It's not popular to be nice and it's really easy to be a jerk. All you have to do is decide that the world revolves around you and discard all of your empathy and emotional intelligence.

A jerk is like a bratty child. That's not confidence, the beating on one's chest to get attention and treating others like dirt to give the damaged ego a little jolt.

Jerks are for losers.

(If you're wondering why I'm so persistent about this topic its because I was dumped for a guy who used to beat my-ex and treat her like one of his possessions, and she never had the guts to leave his sorry a$$.. and of course, the excuse for leaving me was that I was a "nice guy" and she wanted to be with a "bad boy". Well, she got what she wanted.)


lol i can see the ownage in this thread

of course girls like you marry jerks, nice guys deserve better
