A spoof?

This might as well have been a spoof of the Final Destination series a.k.a. Scary Movie. The acting was hilarious as was the script and CGI and even more were the deaths. I literally burst out laughing during each one.


The acting wasn't great but most of them could act. The script was unbelievably bad. Don't care how well you can act, you can't make some of the lines believable.


To be fair, the script was actually much better than what we got on screen, and this is coming from someone who loves this movie. A lot of things were down played on camera, and there were changes that shouldn't have really happened in my mind.

As much as I love this movie (and have it as my favorite FD movie, partly due to nostalgia goggles, I admit) if I had the chance to do a remake of an FD movie, this would be it.


Are you sure there was a script?


Yes, though I'm not sure how many times it was actually read, as if it was, the movie would have been a lot better.

I have it, you can PM your email adress if you want it.
