MovieChat Forums > Saw (2009) Discussion > Its gonna suck and here is why!!!!

Its gonna suck and here is why!!!!

Ok say you are a person held captive in a trap in this game. What possible motivation do you have to escape it. Cut your arm off or youll get a game over. So you press x and see your arm get cut off. Or if you design a trap, which can not possibly lead to anything good in real life. Then what you get to watch a computer character either pick option A to die or B to go through with the trap. This is dumb. I thought it would be cool when I first heard but theres no way.


I'm sure they'll work it out.
That's why they hire writers rather than you.


"That's why they hire writers rather than you."

Haha, I laughed out loud at that fsr. Seriously though, I'm not sure how it'd work / play out either.


Maybe theyll take your advice for the movies.


It's gonna be Spy vs. Spy meets Manhunt!!!

Governments can seriously damage your health


I think It would be nice to be a adventure game.
you will search for jigsaw or anyone who's helping him but at the end you'll figure that it all was a trap and he was testing you. di di din, di di din...
