MovieChat Forums > Four Boxes Discussion > Questions to clear up...(spoiler alert)

Questions to clear up...(spoiler alert)

Decent movie, was a little upset with the ending; since it was pretty dull throughout I was hoping for an exciting ending. I also go back and notice the obvious spelling mistake in the very beginning of the's "Presents" not "Presnets."

Anyways, did anyone else notice "ziplock" walking in the background in the scene where Trevor and Rob are both watching the computer and they first realize the guys they're watching are terrorists? It happens 40 min and 40 sec into the film. This is also right before Amber yells and says that someone was watching her. I was thinking that this was done on purpose and that the terrorists were really in the same house as all of them but then after seeing the end of the movie and finding out they were the "terrorists" then what was ziplock doing walking in the background? I wouldn't think it was Amber because when they're rehearsing the final scene at the end of the movie Amber just says she played herself. Is it an error or was it done on purpose?

Also, what was the point of the scene where Trevor calls Rob to tell him he found out what those canisters were for and Rob getting upset with Trevor after he hangs up the phone on him. Rob and Amber were in the van and there clearly were no cameras there so why would he continue to get angry and continue to play his character?

Also, at the end Amber kept telling Trevor there was something important she wanted to tell him but that she didn't because he wouldn't even care. She says it in the final scene too. What was that about?

Finally, did they all end up dying in the house? Did Amber and Rob take Paxil and Vicodin when they said they were going to Buffolo Wild Wings? And Trevor just fell asleep and was completely knocked out for no reason? I guess that scene earlier in the movie where Amber and Rob came into that comp. room to see Trevor and Trevor asks them if they were both taking drugs that was unscripted and he was really curious if they were on drugs?

I know there weren't many people who watched this film so I'm helping for those that did to help me out with these questions. Gracias


i just watched this film and you basically wrote exactly what I was going to, hoping someone who knows a bit of the background on the film can shed some light.


she was the man outside

she played man in the yard so i assume

i assume the reason they did it to stay in character

not sure if they die but smoke inhalation takes awhile i thought and you think cops would come to the house with 4 boxes

who knows what she wanted to talk to him about could be she slept with the other guy could be she was pregnant or could be something completely else

she says we got the pagoda



That wasn't a decent movie at all ! Actually.. it can't even be called a movie ! How about waste of time or awfull or horrible ?


I just checked it to be sure and she deff says she played "man in the yard" so thats who we saw in the window (one of the few things that actually did creep me out. nothing better that seeing something/someone that the protagonists dont see)

also, I'm pretty sure she wanted to tell him she actually screwed the friend when they were supposed to be faking it (which now, if you watch it, it makes total sense that they were acting so odd during the act and saying suich crap lines. "its super awesome. yep." "totally awesome, keep having sex, I love it!" lol)

the end....well, I cant help you there. it was a bit of a mess. but I guess drugs/exaustion mixed with fumes did em in. but you hear the cops showing up so maybe they survived. guess its up to the viewer to decide.


at the end of the movie she says "we got the pagoda" which i'm guessing is refering to the wedding because at the beginning of the movie when rob asks trever how the wedding plans are coming along he says they are just waiting to hear about the pagoda... i'm guessing amber and trever are getting married? its hard to tell what is "realy" happening and what is part of their "script". Now that i know the twist in the movie i actually want to rewatch it to see what becomes appartant now that i can see the movie with a completely different view point.


I thought that she killed them all on purpose, basically because she was depressed or something. That's what she meant by her having something to tell him for two days. Though why she would be shown accidentally rolling on top of the car starter remote, I dunno. I also don't understand why they were all so tired and barely conscious when they got home that last time. Maybe she drugged them all?

Anyhow, that's my theory.
