I think Margo is nuts ...

That scene at her house and her not participating ... was really disturbing. She does not seem right ...


It was the most interesting part of the whole movie. It was like grey gardens. or the simpsons cat lady.


Definitely a mix of the two lol


I just thought crazy cat lady when she first appeared on screen, when I noticed the huge cat print on the back of her shirt, I couldn't suppress a laugh..
That poor woman has really gone through some severe psychological deterioration.


Well actually, looks like she was already a bit nuts to begin with you can see it through her unforgettable performance in Troll 2 lol



Many artists and intellectuals are somewhat eccentric and quirky. That doesn't mean they are mentally disturbed. These are merely traits of a persons personality. She is taking care of her mother(a very noble thing) and perhaps didn't expect a camera shoved into her face all of the sudden. If that happened to you, you may be a bit nervous and act rather strangely as well.


"Many artists and intellectuals are somewhat eccentric and quirky."


But she's not an artist, nor an intellectual.


Grey Gardens is definitely an apt comparison. Margo is a staunch character.


I was watching Best Worst Movie today for the 1st time and I get the Grey Gardens reference. They were shut-ins and so is she and her mom. Creepy as hell and because of her distance from people, she, has also learned to reject people in general and reality with it. She definitely gave me the creeps!


Yes, that was pretty obvious.


The whole margo scene was just extremely creepy, and probably the most interesting part of the movie. If I ever directed a movie and needed a scene for "crazy cat lady", she would definitely be the first person I call.

Even on screen there was just an air about her, that she was just a shell of her former self. I'm sure her life has been completely dominated, and destroyed by her mother, and that her attempt at acting in Troll 2 was a way to try and break free from her.

The last time we saw her, and she was saying she just wanted to get away, I got the feeling she was referring to her mother dieing, so that she could finally begin to live her life.


I'm watching BWM right now and I had to pause it to come here to see if anyone else noticed how crazy Margo seems and that evil old woman thats her mother.

Margo really did seem like she had lost her mind. Comparing Troll 2 to Casablanca and saying how the actors in this movie could be right up there with Bogie and what not just blew my mind.

The worst part though was her mother. She just looked selfish and cruel. Like she was pissed off that Margo was getting interviewed by people and she couldn't get her dinner made right away. I also lol'd when Hardy said he was trying to get out of there and he kept putting his jacket on and the grandmother said it aint gonna do you any good to keep doing that it aint gonna make em leave any faster!

So you knew she was sick of them too.


I think that's an unkind way to put it --that she's nuts. I don't know why the filmmaker didn't give a clearer picture of what is going on with Margo. If she is taking care of her mother with no help then she's probably emotionally burned out.

I think it's something else besides that. She looked really good. She's obviously been taking care of herself. I think she, at the very least, is getting some kind of filler injections since she had few wrinkles. Her personality reminded me of Christine Baranski in Bowfinger.

I thought the sign in front of her house was due to fans bothering her too much? Neither of the men seemed interested in trying to help her. I hope they were just trying to protect the nature of her problems.


I wasn't trying to be unkind; like you said, I'm just going by what the filmmakers portrayed.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


I saw BWM last night, finally came in from Netflix, and my thoughts and feelings about Margo's appearance is mirrored in this thread and the others offer proof that I was not and am not alone in being a little unsettled by Margo.

I'm not a psychologist or a mental health professional but I would venture to say that I think Margo believes her own delusion, that some day a well-known and powerful Hollywood agent will come to her house, perform the forbidden knock on the door, and offer Margo the role of a life-time. I honestly think she believes that delusion and is waiting for it to happen or the chance to go back into acting.

But when you have an elderly parent who lives with you and probably requires a lot of care the possibility of regaining an acting career is slim to none.

Has Margo lost it? I would say that it's very likely and she simply can no longer see the difference between reality and fantasy.

Sad, yes, and unsettling for sure.


Calling Margo nuts is like shooting fish in a barrel... I felt sorry for her and have no idea how someone gets to that point. Sometimes you can just look at someone and know they're bat-guano insane.


I felt bad for Grandpa Seth too. It seemed like he wished his life had turned out differently.



reading this I thought she was going to be full out crazy...but she really just seemed a little kooky. More likely shes just worn out from taking care of her mother...probably also suffers from agoraphobia.

And she looked ridiculously healthy. Her skin was so firm and wrinkle-free lol


I think calling her "nuts" is an unfair blanket statement.
I think she's got some issues to deal with, like many (most?) people do, and like anyone else has good days and bad days.
Everyone has problems come up, and has some times when they are "low", and then hopefully they bounce back and normalize.
"Nuts" is when you don't come back and normalize.
I just think it's unfair to judge her on one interview.

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