Great Asian-Gay Movie?

If you're interested in watching a truly great Asian-Gay film, see "Love of Siam".


Thais generally are enamored with Eurasians and so this explains Mario Maurer being cast as one of the protagonists. Then having Sing Jai and Song Sit as his parents is truly unbelievable for non-Thai audiences. Thai audiences don't mind racial discrepancy as long as the actors and actresses are beautiful (meaning they have fair skin or, better yet, a Eurasian look. These two are respectable actress and actor/singer in that order. It has an amateurish feel because Mario obviously cannot act. The plot is fairly decent though. It reflects Thai culture and how conservative middle class mothers feels about being "normal."

If you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed watching Go Go G Boys like I also do as one other poster puts it, watch Formula 17 which will give you the opposite feeling.

I feel deceived after I have rented this movie and then watched it. It says somewhere on the cover that it is like Formula 17! As an overseas Taiwanese, I would be very embarrassed should someone use this movie to stereotype all Taiwanese dramas as being of the same quality.

I am enraged that such a movie is made. One of my students who was paired up with an openly-gay boy for project work was reluctant to do any pair work face-to-face together with the gay boy, except through the cell phone. Teenagers are very impressionable. Do we want to frighten them that gays and lesbians are monsters and to be avoided? Are these directors making such biased films doing a service for these teens to prepare them for eventual entry into the work force? There are many gays and lesbians in multinational companies, so can these teens fed biased propaganda about gays avoid real gay colleagues, supervisors, and directors when they have to work to earn a living? Formula 17 fortunately does not promulgate such myth in this aspect, and so it wins hands down in my educator's award for promoting gay and lesbian awareness.

Another nice movie to see is "Eternal Summer." But that is a bit surreal, like seeing "Twin Peaks". It has a neutral message about being gay though.
