drama or thriller?

Would people say that this movie was a drama or a thriller? I felt that the "other woman" character came off as a psycho (somewhat) with all the photos she had of her and the husband and trying on the wife's clothes but she lacked the urgency and danger of a thriller. Then there was the loose end of the wife who killed her abusive husband-- very dramatic but never really resolved. I felt it was sluggish trying to be both but never completely being either. Maybe it was just me :<


No, it wasn't just you....

I kept thinking that Nicole, the other woman, was going to be found out to have killed the boss and also beat up the wife. She was a psycho to be sure, but it ended strangely, we didn't get to see what happened to the abusive husband's wife, the son, etc. Also, I wonder if the husband and the psycho were going to be together for long. And was the Jason Priestly character going to get together with our heroine? I enjoyed the movie though. The acting was pretty good but it left me wanting more at the end..
