MovieChat Forums > Frankenweenie (2012) Discussion > Animal lovers! Who else cried at Sparky'...

Animal lovers! Who else cried at Sparky's accident scene?

As a pet owner and animal lover that scene really touched me. What are your thoughts?


Pet owner and animal lover here; did not cry. But I was quite touched by what came after. Losing a dog is fcking heartbreaking...

"Oh, Britta's in this?"


I didn't. Not a dog lover.


When Victor said "Its ok boy, you dont have to come back" I totally lost it and cried like a baby :(


I teared up multiple times at this movie. I didn't cry though, I hate crying because of movies


When Victor said "Its ok boy, you dont have to come back" I totally lost it and cried like a baby

...that part totally got me too (so did the end before they sparked him back again)


I cried more times during this movie than the entirety of my life.


Animal lover, but I sure didn't cry at that scene. We all knew it was coming and that he'd come back to live so yeah... I like how he said that Sparky didn't have to come back at the end, I might've shed a tear if that would've happened. It's strange cause I was expecting to be a lot more emotional during this film. But in the end, hardly at all. I guess it's because I was expecting a lot more from this film, though it's still a good movie.


Ngl, there were like three different times where I had to hold back tears



Just reading the sentence above made me teary.

I'm staying far, FAR away!


I am a vet student/animal lover. I teared up at the part when he was killed and they were burying him/talking about his death. I lost a pet about a year ago suddenly and tragically, so when I was watching it for the first time today, it really affected me. I'm glad it had a happy ending at least. Sparky was very sweet.


I definitely teared up when Sparky was chased and he went to his grave and laid down in front of it. And I teared up at the end as well.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!
