Shockingly dull ...

Simplistic reworking of various characters from his other films with a really flat script, make this a real letdown ... You'll watch it once, if you manage to make it through at all
I laughed once, when the cat got it
Could of been good with a script, but it didn't have one


hence it's been rated one of the best films of the year.


This is definetly not. On its own merits this is a dull soul less film.


Yes it is, and it has been in most top 10s of the year.
Brilliant film.


What, exactly, makes it "brilliant?"
It's a rehash of his earlier film, with character models borrowed from his previous stop-motion works, as well as a recycled score from at least four of his other films, with plot so boring and pacing so glacial you need to be stoned out of your mind on downers to follow.

What about any of that is "brilliant?"


Shockingly cliché negative critique. No movies are worthy of positive comments anymore, life must really suck for you, do the world a favor and end it now.


I'd like to go into depth about why this film failed artistically, but really all I can muster is to comment simply on how boring it was. I couldn't even make it through the entire movie, frankly. Just, dull, like every single character, as well as the plot, was on Valium or something. I don't know who greenlit this mess, but I hope they lost some credibility when all was said and done.


i have to agree with op sadly


Wow...I simply couldn't disagree more with the negative remarks here, but they're pretty general, so I just have to put it down to a mere difference of opinions. My reaction to this movie was very different. It's one of my two favorites of the year; in fact, I've added it to my "favorites-of-all-time" list. I have always loved the original short film, and in my view, Tim did it great animated justice. I like the script a lot, the characters, the story, the heart...I laughed and chuckled numerous times. I was charmed. I'm dying of excitement for the DVD release, which is quickly getting closer and closer! +D


Fully agree. Uncreative and dull.

Oh you mad cuz I'm stylin on you


Independently, my husband I both thought it was dull and boring. Our kids loved it, however, so we stuck with it. Meh.

"The English Patient" was dull, too...didn't that win Best Picture?

And yes, I love "Die Hard." :)

I know that dull doesn't always mean bad. It wasn't a terrible movie. I also thought it was a good-looking movie.


I agree 100%. I try to support these deviations from the Hollywood norm, but this film was so uninspired and so completely unfunny. In fact, the trailer made me laugh, especially the kitty, but I didn't laugh once in the film. It had so much potential to be a great comedy, but instead it was just a rehash of about 80 billion things we've all seen before ("Easter Eggs" thread basically proves this).

I only finished it so I could vote on it—personal "rule". But yeah, I was pretty disappointed. I haven't been thrilled by a Burton film as far back as I can remember, so I think it's safe to say I'm not a fan of his, despite wanting to be.

[Edit: I did smile when the super fat kid was like, "You know how the packaging shows people smiling and happy sea monkeys" or whatever, that was amusing.]


I'm with the OP 100%.

I found this movie tedious at best. (and I loved some of Burton's other work.) I made it to about the 3/4 mark, then turned it off and dumped it.

The fact that I didn't care what happened next says all there is to say about the script.


Completely correct OP. What a waste of my time.

