MovieChat Forums > Frankenweenie (2012) Discussion > The title actually doesn't work.

The title actually doesn't work.

Being very familiar with the actual book by Mary Shelley, the monster is just a monster. Frankenstein is the last name of the scientist (which some see as a monster, too.) Somewhere along the way we've completely lost that and have transferred the name of "Frankenstein" to the iconic image of a green monster with bolts in his neck. I'm actually surprised, Burton, as nerdy as he is, would still try to play on it. I mean he has it right in that the main character is Viktor Frankenstein but using "Frankenweenie" would suggest somewhere that "Franken" had anything to do with the reanimated creature, which it didn't. Don't tell me to get a life and this or that, I"m simply pointing out something I see all too often when it comes to "Frankenstein." Frankenstein is NOT the reanimated creature.

That said, i really did enjoy the movie. ;-)


Weenie means little or small.
'Little Frankenstien' is exatcly what Victor is in this film.
Hense it's titled Frankenweenie.

The films isn't based on Shelley's book, it based on James Whale's film.

Nothing in this film suggests the monster is called Frankenstine.. LOL and like all good inventions and creations they eventually get named after their Creator.. it it's only naturally today the Monster is named Frankenstein (which he would probably have as a surname anyway..if you consider Victor is his farther)


Oh, then I stand corrected. I thought it was Frankenweenie because the dog was a 'wiener' dog or something.


Nope.. i always understood the term Weenie to be small or young.
The dog was a bull terrier.


"then I stand corrected" is something you rarely hear these days. Congratulations. Nice movie, anyway, even if the original short was better (by being better I mean I enjoyed it more). Cheers and have a Happy New Year.


Jeez!! If Americans actually called the German breed of long bodied dog by it's proper 'Dachshound' instead of the childish 'weiner dog' we wouldn't have all these misunderstandings about the title!!


The word means many things, including a nerd or geek, or someone interested in technical things. This definition fits the boy, although I think the title is confusing, because many people think it refers to the dog. The meaning of "nerd" may be familiar to Burton, but I don't think it's in general usage by most people.


This definition fits the boy, although I think the title is confusing, because many people think it refers to the dog.

Which fits in perfectly with the legacy of Frankenstein since a lot people think it refers to Frankenstein's creation.

Can't stop the signal.


It's still a pun on dog. Weenie is a type of dog. They called it a mastiff in the film, so they obviously weren't too concerned about type, haha.

But yeah, works both ways. :)


A mastiff? A mastiff was mentioned? I don't recall that...but anyway, yeah. Sparky is a Bull Terrier, not a Dachshund (aka "weenie dog.") As stated, the title does refer to Victor.

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