His Best In Ages

Just got this on Netflix. I missed it in theatres largely because of some luke warm reviews. Rubbish. His best in a ages... far superior to the over-blown Alice In Wonderland and, IMO a lot less 'arty' than his earlier animations... and it's the better for it.

From the opening classroom scene where the new teacher explains electricity, I was hooked.

I'd compare it somewhat in tone to Moonrise Kingdom... for kids. It's like a sweet cake that has random bits of chiles (adult gags).

I don't know if it's appropriate for kids... or at least for parents who think 'Transformers' is great but jokes about cat poop are -not-. I'd have no problem with it for my kids, but it's definitely not 'Finding Nemo'. :D

In any event, I don't get the mediocre reviews. The look, the gags, the attention to detail are in line with his best work. Even the music is one of Danny Elfman's better efforts in a loooooooong time (remember when he was -innovative-?)

Highly recommended.


The reviews have been very positive.. lol


Not where I live. And certainly not the critic reviews I read -here-.


And certainly not the critic reviews I read -here-.

And therein lies the problem. With all the competing filmakers, hired reverse shills, and trolls you will almost never get a real assessment of a film here.

Here's what I do, If I think I may like a movie and there are a lot of people saying its good(like here), I listen to them and give it a shot. I don't listen to the people who spend there lives trying to be the first one to bash a film.

I take people's posting history, and prior film's he/she likes into account too.

For newer movies, read external reviews. Never trust imdb.



Plus, the film was nominated for a Oscar so i must have been pretty well received by critics. It's had some of the best reviews and praise of any of his films in years.


I really liked this movie, it's actually one of my favorites. In my opinion I like how love and friendship is portrayed in this film and how love can transcend the impossible and unexpected.


Yes, Frankenweenie is definitely the best Burton movie to come out in a long time.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


His best in a ages...

Considering the long list of crappy movies he made, that's really not saying much though.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


The film got nominated for most animation awards out there, including Golden Globe and Academy Awards. That should have been a good indication that it was good film. Don't know how you could miss that OP

But it is his best since "Big Fish" and probably Sweeney Todd". Really good and creative.

