MovieChat Forums > Frankenweenie (2012) Discussion > Is it unappropriate for a 7 year girl?

Is it unappropriate for a 7 year girl?

What do you think? She loves "Nightmare Before Christmas" since she is five...


no i wouldn't say it is.


I find "Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Coraline" scarier than this one. So if she's not scared of that, "Frankenweenie" is OK for her.

This movie is in the level of "Corpse Bride".


I haven't showed her "Corpse Bride" yet, but I will do it in the next days... to "test" "Frankenweenie". But for "Coraline", that I love, I will wait some years: I think that is way too scary!


Yeah, I would hold off on letting her watch Coraline. Some parts did seem a bit scary for children. Frankenweenie didn't seem as scary to me though, but it's you're call.


It's kind of gross and morbid at times, not as fanciful as TNBC.


For some reason, this movie scares the crap out of me and I'm fourteen....I can watch horror movies with no problem and pretty much every Tim Burton movie I watch is absolutely terrifying.
Of course Disneyland costumes and sports teams mascots creep me out to, so...(:


I would hope with a 7 year old one would be able to spell inappropriate. But that's beside the point.

The movie is morbid at times but isn't anything that should frighten someone who has seen movies like NBC.


Thanks for the spell correction. Sorry for not being American or English. Anyway, did you ever tried to ask something in Italian? That's my language. If you will, I will be glad to correct you, if it's needed. Thanks again.


Considering this is a forum where English is written, Italian or not, the word unappropriate is incorrect...Inappropriate is the correct word to use and unless you wish to think that mangling the spelling allows you free rein to continue misspelling words without being corrected how will you ever learn ?
The offer of correcting someone's Italian is churlish and rude as you were trying to be smart but only coming across as a smartass.
In future, I suggest a polite " Thankyou " would be sufficient.



Well, I am an American and speak English, and I don't find it inappropriate to refer to you as a meddling douche bag.


Did you understand what they were saying? Yes you did. That is why we have languages... That's the reason we use words, to communicate. So, you can say 'Foxtrot Oscar' to your fancy correct spelling, meet in the middle and try understand what people are saying to you, they spoke so you should at least listen. This is the interwebs. People ain't gonna spell *beep* correctly. Get used to it little n00blet.



First of all, English isn't required on this forum. People can type and discuss in whatever language they choose to.The person "correcting" her spelling was not doing so politely. They blatantly insulted her,which completely warranted her "smart ass" comment.If you have nothing better to do than correct the grammar in a post on an informal forum, written by someone who speaks English as a second language, then maybe you should spend time studying English yourself.Your own post is rife with mistakes. (Someone's should be someone, you forgot "the" between in and future and thank you is two words.)


Please ignore the pompous spell check nazi. Thank YOU for writing in English so well.


omg people on these boards really need to get a life..Your post was fine, the proper use is inappropriate but everyone understood what you meant to say.I would just ignore the grammar nazis if I were you...this isnt a message board that requires formal grammar so there is absolutely no need for you to apologize or thank any of these nit-picky perfectionists that choose to insult people over a public forum for something so trivial.Your english is great, and even if it was your first language your spelling is still better than 80% of us Americans here in the world of illiteracy


Patronising or what? Yes that is most definitely beside the point


I took my 5 year old daughter and she loved it. She is a mad science/monster fan though (reads Frannie K Stein books constantly) so some of the concepts are not new for her. I would say it's ok for most children, plus any movie you show a child that age it is always good to discuss before and after to gauge impressions and understanding. I also took her to Fantastic Mr. Fox and I thought that one was a little inappropriate for her at the time.


If she can handle "Nightmare," this will be fine for her. Of course, it does all depend on the child, so you never know. The pacing is a bit slower than "Nightmare" though, and it's obviously not as colorful, nor are there any songs. But I think it's a fine movie for a child.


Saw this with my 5 year old niece and she enjoyed it. Nothing really bad in here. In terms of shock value, this is actually fairly tame in comparison to TNBC and Corpse Bride.


Oddly, my 3 year old loved it, but my 5 year old was more sensitive and found some of the imagery scary, like the bat/cat creature near the end, or the fact that the dog dies and has to be reanimated, which is the main plot so, how do you avoid that? So, it can depend on how sensitive your child is.


Going by the threads title, I would say it depends on the girl in question, doesn't it?

Some girls find stuff like Coraline or Corpse Bride scary. Then it probably isn't for them. But some girls think these stuff are fun, and loves Coraline and Corpse Bride. Then they probably would love Frankenweenie.

Not all 7 year-olds are weak minded. Some enjoy these films very much. It is all about taste.
If you're not sure, let them watch it and see what happens.

But don't assume she will think it's scary because you think it might be scary.

I assume the question the OP is looking for is "is it inappropriate for MY 7 year old girl?"
The answer is: No one knows really. We can't know what a 7 year old find disturbing. Watch it with her and see if she enjoys it.
That's the way to know for sure!


I saw The Fugitive in the theatre when I was 7 or 8, and it was instantly my favorite movie. Groundhog Day, too. Neither of those movies would be recommended for kids today (or then, really), but they are both fantastic movies. Frankenweenie is also a fantastic movie.

I also believe that there's a place in art and life for kids to be scared and experience new things. Not everything should be Teletubbies. I'm not saying take her to see Saw VIII, but Frankenweenie is the kind of "scary" that I think is perfect for kids. It's goofy. Kinda like Large Marge in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (except not that scary). I closed my eyes every time for years. My heart would race just knowing it was coming. That was a good experience.

If your kid is particularly troubled by scary stuff then you might want to see it first. But your average 7 year old should be able to handle it.


I saw Curse of Frankenstein with Christopher Lee in 1958 at the age of 8 in a theater and didn't sleep at all that night. Was going fine until creature removed its facial bandages. I went down in my seat and never came back up.

BTW Have seen many times since then ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!

Depends on the 7 yo girl. What does she read or watch?

At 7 I was trying to figure out how to pronounce "Kryptonite" and "Mxyzptlk" from Superman comics.


i can't understand some parents.

not only for the OP who idk if was looking for someone who shares his opinion or just asking for the first time
dafuq people?

1 - you alone know your child better than anyone else across the world logging into IMDB.

2 - you have the means to, idk, maybe watch the movie alone before showing it to your child, IF you are afraid it might be scary.

3 - Are you looking for some public aprovement by asking such things?

4 - If someone tells you the movie is ok to show to a kid he/she never met, don't know his/her fears and never saw, you go ahead and show it without actually watching it first???? THAT my friends is very irresponsable parenting

5 - keep in mind that if you show your kid a movie you were told to be safe for a random 5 year old and she gets scarred anyway, the person who advised you is not going to help you attending your kid during the night if it gives her nightmares.

watch it by yourself before allowing your kid to do it


You 're right, but when I asked, the movie was in the theaters. And I didn't want to pay a babysitter, see the movie alone, then pay again for see the movie a second time...
At the end, I waited the dvd. It was the right thing to do, I supposte: the film is useless scary and, most of all, it sucks.
(Sorry for my english).


i tried to make sure you understood i wasn't atacking you, as I didn't know if you were asking it because you never saw it, wanting more opinions or whatnot.

it was basicaly a rant.

don't sweat it, I'm not english nor American :)


No problem, I understood what you meant (and I agree).


Actually, that's what I did: I bought the DVD and watched it, on the DVD cover it says PG (in Germany that means for children as of the age of 12). I love Tim Burton and his movies, but they also have a dark side to them and I came to the conclusion that this movie is too scary, maybe also too emotional, for my 10 year old daughter. I guess it's the best way to find out, whether a film is suitable for your child, if you're unsure. Watch it first and then decide for yourself.

She was okay with Men in Black, though, but that's different - it also has a PG rating of 12.
