Interesting EW article

I saw it in the Magazine and decided to see if it was online

here it is, what are your thoughts?

Tyler Perry The Controversies over his movies.,,20266223,00.html

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009



What exactly is the "point" in his movies? My problem with Tyler is he is not a good film maker, his movies are melodramatic, heavy handed, predictable, cliche with one noted characters and these are the ingredients that makes for a bad to at best mediocre movie. I don't think his characters are developed enough to be considered stereotypical.

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009


people totaly miss the point in his movies

That's just it! It's the same POINT in every film. We get it, we got it 3 films ago. Can he make a new point?


people totaly miss the point in his movies

That's just it! It's the same POINT in every film. We get it, we got it 3 films ago. Can he make a new point?

LOL! Too funny!

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009


I'm just sayin, LaWanda, folks always assume someone doesn't like a film because they "missed the point." In TP's case, he makes the same points repeatedly and couches them in cliched characters. Fine, we get it/got it/been there/done that. TP's no Spike Lee he's just a one-trick pony. Enough already.


Hey Anthro, I always refer to him as the Master P of movies. Master P was Notorious for putting out lackluster to awful Cd's that sold very well, until people got bored with it and moved on. If your material had more quality, that wouldn't be a problem.

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009


While he's waiting for people to get tired, he's enjoying the 350 million dollars he's grossed just from those movies. How much do you have in the bank? People can say what that want, but TP has a fan base that he earned through his talents. There are people who love him and people who hate him, but his movies are entertaining and helping people by the millions and you can't knock that fact.


While he's waiting for people to get tired, he's enjoying the 350 million dollars he's grossed just from those movies.

Is tthis he only counter response that his fans can give to the criticism that his movies aren't good? I've now read that response more than any other. Can someone come up with something of substance other than he's making millions? Or does anything that makes millions automatically make something good? Birth of a Nation made a ton of money. Was that good too?


Yeah, cheldove linked me to this article last night. I have to give her my thoughts. But it won't be much different than this: it (the article) was sugarcoated and didn't address the problem on a deeper, psychological, logistical level. The same ole'people complaining about the same ole'things. The stereotypes aren't the problem. The problem is the audience. They need to broaden their horizons. 'Nough said.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



There are 2 things in this article that pretty much says it all. First that "9" actors who have worked with him declined to be interviewed for the article. It seems that if they thought highly of him, they would not mind sharing that.

And the most interesting part to me was Viola Davis, and how she seemed to carefully choose her words. When she said when you are offered a job, you gonna take it, no matter how substandard it seems, I couldn't help but think that this really reflected her own thoughts as well, but she was just trying to be nice in some of the other things she said. She basically covered her own azz in trying not to diminish her own worth by appearing in his most recent awful film. She knew she had no business there, but hey, like she said, she's gotta work.


Hey QT , As I said the movies are not really stereotypical, they are just limited and it's a problem when people come out and droves to support this, yet movies like Secret Life of Bees(which was pretty successful but didn't bring in Tyler Perry numbers)get looked over. I am not a dictator, I can't and I won't tell people what they should see but I think people should step out of the box and see other movies and understand that Tyler Perry is just not a good movie maker, even if his movies had an all white cast I would feel the same.

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009


And that LaWanda has been the "BIG" question. Why people are not willing to step out of that box? We had a very good discussion about that very subject recently on a thread here. Some people just refuse to "GET THIS" and are too quick to dismiss criticism as you're racist, or you're a hater, when that has nothing to do with it. People who only allow themselves to watch one type of film have no idea the great movies they are missing out on. It's disturbing how some people seem so comfortable in limiting themselves, and have zero interest in things that could further and broaden them as human beings.


cheldove and LaWanda74,

I agree with you both and thanks for reminding me about the actor's refusal to comment. That's not news to me. I mean, God forbid you're at an industry affair with these types and you happen to criticize him for whatever reason. I know a few well known actors who worked with him and they criticize his work, yet that stuff never leaks to the press. Of course, I won't be the one to blow them up. That goes against the Hollywood ethics. But the truth is, 100% of actors I spoke to, whether they worked with him or not, are dissatisfied with his filmmaking. So, yes, that part of the article was interesting. Oh well. It is what it is.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004




But yet, Entertainment Weekly did this article, for which Perry took the time to give input, as well as an Oscar-nominated actress, who gives a very interesting analysis and confirms that the topic of many of these discussions have some valid points.

Nobody is saying they hate him, or want people to stop seeing his films. The main issue is why his style and themes are so strongly supported, when there are so many much better films with predominately black casts made by more talented directors. There's nothing wrong with intelligent debate about this, and it should not be dismissed with close-minded opinons such as people are grown, and they can watch what they like. No offense intended.

And I wish people would stop trying to compare everything to white filmmakers, and what white people watch. These discussions have nothing to do with that. And with the history of our people and all the ignorant images we have had of ourselves on screen and on television; hell even on the 6 o'clock news, we should at least be "JUST AS WILLING" to equally support movies that have a lot more substance.

And all this "his movies have moral, christian lessons" is the only explanation that is ever given. How many more preachy movies do we really need with christian, moral messages? They are poor examples of strong messages anyway, IMO. They are more common sense than anything for any person who knows right from wrong. And the people who need these messages the most are not usually paying to see these movies anyway.. They are boot-legging them instead......LOL; asking that guy they know who has "everything" to hook them up.

I think the moral, christian excuse is probably the last reason that people choose these movies; and he would be just as popular without them. And pleeeeez...what the hell is so christian about the actions of Madea, who spends more time in front of a judge than anybody. It's a dominant part of her character, and nobody seems to ever spend any serious time teaching her some moral lessons. Those scenes in the courtroom are a joke. It might have been funny once, but not twice. What's entertaining about an older woman standing before a judge all her life? She spends a whole lot more time promoting negative images, and never practices what she tries to preach at times. If he wants to really give a huge, moral lesson, then why doesn't he clean Madea up? HMMMMM?? I'll tell you why. Because people seem to enjoy paying their money to watch this big, old, black woman act stupid, and if the people who claim to be so christian, and who claim to love these so-called moral messages were really legit, then they would actually be offended by Madea and what she represents. Madea has been his money-maker in all of her stupidity and non-christian behavior. Interesting.

Wrecking a womans car just because she is mad over a parking space, or encouraging a woman to throw hot grits on a man. hmmmmmm?? Many films have morals and messages, but these messages are mixed IMO. A good film would be able to relay those moral messages without it ever being mentioned in the script what the moral lesson was supposed to be, and the audience would be able to clearly "GET IT". This is a great topic for debate, and can be very interesting as long as people keep an open mind and keep personal attacks and rudeness out of it. And for those who are not interested, well they can just choose another thread to read.

Oh, and this thread was only informing all who were interested of the existance of the article. Obviously a very interesting topic, especially to those who contributed to the article, which by the way was never negative in any way. Just an objective analysis of facts.


Now that was a great post cheldove, pointing out contradictions in characters versus themes and all that BS we see in a typical TP film. Not to mention the BS in people telling us that this debate is pointless and his audience are 'grown people' who can watch what they want. Nothing could be more pointless than that statement. Well said cheldove

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Thank You Storm. I didn't intend to write that much, but I get started, and the thoughts just keep coming. It's frustrating how people are so close minded that they cannot separate obvious things, from the insight that can brought from intelligent debate, and try to look at all angles of a particular subject.

Nobody is trying to knock this mans success, at least I'm not. It's sad that some people think that just because a person makes lots of money doing something, that means they deserve to be put on a pedestal, and what they are selling is great. NOT!! I loved the example you gave a few weeks ago about the crackers, and that speaks volumes.

Drug dealers make millions also, but it doesn't make them great. Now of course I wouldn't compare TP to a drug dealer ever, but my point is, his millions does not mean he is great or talented as a creative filmaker. He is only commercially great. It would be encouraging to know that he was actually seeking advice and pointers from other directors who are better, or if he is content in what he does, and will continue to make statements that he knows his audience, and only caters to them. If the latter is the case, then he is doing the exact same thing his audience does, with no desire to expand. Only thing.... he is getting millions for being complacent. What is his audeince getting? Yet they are giving him millions of reasons to never improve.



I see you are on a totally different page, because you really are not getting what I am saying. Nobody is judging anybody.

The issue is why can't these same people see fit to get something from much better projects? That is my entire point, and if you can't see that then you are are the one blind. I have no problem with people watching TP, but why not watch "IN ADDITION" to some other movies also?

For example, there was a very deep message and lesson in the film "Antwone Fisher", a predominantly black cast, directed by Denzel Washington of all people. why didn't it knock the box office numbers out the park? My question is, do we have to have silly humor included in order to relay messages of substance? If so, WHY? Regardless of your lack of understanding me, there is something much deeper to be learned as to why many people choose films like this, over, something much more challenging to ones mind. And it deserves to be explored and talked about. If you're not interested, or you can't "get that" as you said yourself, then simply choose not to involve yourself, because I am not going to keep trying to get you to understand me. That is not the debate. It's about appreciating and supporting only one style. It's about broadening ones self and expanding, something most people claim to want to do. That is the only thing I have interest in understanding. NOT about hating on Tyler, or complaints about my post from people who obviously don't understand or have interest in debate. That's the whole purpose of debating. PERIOD.

Anything worth anything at all should be open for debate. Why do you seem to have a problem getting that? It's such a cop-out to say "it is what it is", and expect everyone to not have an opinion. There is research done everyday on why people do this, and why people do that. It's how you gain knowledge in understanding things and people better. And many times some findings are supported by fact, and some by opinion.

I watch TP movies, and always will probably, because I am hoping that he will get better, and give me something more than a warm, fuzzy, feel good feeling with a storybook ending, that some people seem to love. I try to support him, and will always be curious to see if the next film is any different, or has a different formula than the last. What I don't get is this thing that people see complaints as some kind of hate. Complaints can be a valuable and powerful tool to improve. Where would some people be without them? Just because many may love what you do, doesn't mean you are not open for criticism. That's the problem. People hate to open their minds and dig deeper.

I am only trying to understand why people ignore much better quality movies of great substance whether it's TP or someone else. So why do you have such a problem understanding this? You are missing the point.



I personally found Antwone Fisher a boring movie, that's just me. It was good, but it was boring. People just want good laughs, and while most might think his movies are funny. It avoids the inevitable.


And that is my BIG question. Why do people equate movies that don't give laughs as boring. I know you are not the only person who feels this way, and I am trying hard to understand that mindset. No it wasn't action-packed or filled with laughs, but I found myself very entertained. And exactly what is the inevitable?

I understand he has his audience, and nobody is trying to tell him to stop what has worked, but I just want him to step it up a little at times, and also for people to give other movies a chance as well, which clearly deserve it.

"Why Did I get Married" was a step in a better direction, and I really liked it when I first watched it, however, when I watched it a few more times, I started hating it more, and realized why it still was bad. I won't list all my complaints, but the story with the mean husband was just too ridiculous for words, and it ruined the whole movie for me. I could like it better if not for that.

And I have no problem admitting that "The Family That Preys" was his best. I was dying to see it, because it seemed to have a soap type of theme, and I am guilty of loving soaps....LOL. But again he has ridiculous characters and the story of the affair which was supposed to be the main focus on this movie had no depth.I call it the "invisible" affair, and it just didn't work for me. He could have put a lot more into that without showing sexual scenes, which I think he was trying hard not to do. It just didn't work.

I'm hearing that the DVD has a deleted bedroom scene of the affair. with the 2 of them in a real conversation. I haven't seen it yet, but it seems this would have gone a long way in adding to this movie, and understanding how and why these characters were the way they were, and why Andrea especially claimed she loved him and thought they were getting married, and also why he cared so much for her to put that kinda money in her pockets? How do you make sense of all that nonsense? Men give women money, but not that kinda money to women they really don't have feelings for, as we were supposed to believe about the William character.

I did enjoy Charlotte and Alice, and I only wish the entire movie had been about them. I think then, if it had been done right, I would have really loved it, and been very impressed. Kathy Bates and Alfre Woodward are what saved this from being in the awful category. They were great, especially Kathy Bates. I loved her character, and he gave more depth to her character than any other character in the entire movie.

Is it so wrong of me and people like me to want better from TP? Why can't he satisfy his core audience, and also perfect his work, so that he can acquire a new group of fans who eagerly want to support him? With all that he has accomplished, it would be a shame if he didn't. I like Tyler Perry. I just don't care for most of his work so far. I feel he got better with TFTP, then he reverted back most recently. So maybe it is safe to assume that he is going to intentionally go back and forth to try to appeal to everybody. Maybe next time he does a movie without Madea, it will be a little better. I really hope so. When you love and appreciate a good film, you don't lock yourself into one thing. I guess that's the difference. All of us don't see a trip to the movies as a way to get a good laugh.

Oh...and I also wanted to add. If this is the best that Kiesha Knight can give as an actress, then we need to go back seeing less of her on the big screen. She probably will get a Razzie for this. It was dreadful. She could act as a child, but so far, not as an adult.



"Why Did I get Married" was a step in a better direction, and I really liked it when I first watched it, however, when I watched it a few more times, I started hating it more, and realized why it still was bad. I won't list all my complaints, but the story with the mean husband was just too ridiculous for words, and it ruined the whole movie for me. I could like it better if not for that.

This is the main problem I have with TP movies, his heavy handedness. He can't show you anything with tact or subtly, he has to beat you over the head with it, to the point where it's just ridiculous. I want him to take a look at his movies, learn and grow from them, so he can be a better film maker and concentrate on quality as oppose to quantity. Mark my words, if he keeps putting out the same type of movies 2,3 times a year, people will eventually get bored with him and his audience will move on.

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009


"You might not think those things are funny, but some people do. And you're going to judge them for that." -- kaypain42

Nobody is judging. All someone has to do is criticize something or someone and automatically he/she is judging.

"You might not see the lessons, but some do. And you're going to judge them for that." -- kaypain42

You would think somebody like cheldove is judging and that's a direct result of you not understanding the point. I think she presented a brilliant aspect of this debate that needs attention. The message is to support "the Christian thing to do" but Madea is always in front of a judge, committing all sorts of crimes. So, are we practicing Christian beliefs or are we glorifying violence, all within the same character? And does she ever show remorse, maybe adding some complexity to her disapproving behavior? There may be a lesson there, but it's mixed with a lot of conflicting ideas and contradictions, which sort of undermine his efforts totally. But he's not savvy enough as a writer to realize that himself. That's where, say, some advice from more talented film storytellers may come into play? I don't know.

"Who are you to say the audience isn't getting anything from his movies. All you're you doing is speculating blindly. As if your speaking for every fan out there." -- kaypain42

You can only speak for yourself and people you have deep relationships with. Everyone else is just you speculating blindly as well.

"That's the thing, he doesn't need advice." -- kaypain42

Yes he does, if he intends on growing as a filmmaker. Of course people like you don't think so, but I do. It's only for his own growth. Spielberg still seeks advice, opinions and share ideas with filmmakers he admire, and that's why he has been strong in this game for over 35 years (winning three Oscars along the way). In fact, he's the most successful filmmaker ever with all of his films grossing close to 10 Billion worldwide.

If people are really fans of Tyler Perry, they would encourage growth and longevity. It's easy to say, "keep doing what you do and we'll come." All these cretins (not directed at you) are doing is purchasing tickets and popcorn and sit in a dark theater, laughing for an hour and a half then farting their way home. He has to do the real work and it'll be him taking the fall when people start demanding more. And his so-called fans would just look elsewhere.

"Why there are tons of crappy movies out there. Who are more blatantly stereotypical movies than his, that don't get the crap he's getting." -- kaypain42

It just seems that way. People are criticizing the more blatantly stereotypical films, like "Who's Your Caddy?" The only differences are, these films don't come with a brand like the Tyler Perry brand and there isn't any one filmmaker churning them out consistently like TP. And to be honest, it's rare for other filmmakers to be putting out shallow, stereotypical movies like the ones TP put out. So, it's a no-brainer why he's receiving the blunt of the criticisms. That's all he does and he does it pretty often, like twice a air.

"Madea's character is nothing but slap stick humor, and obvious the audience relates to her character." -- kaypain42

Besides her "take no nonsense" attitude, what's there to relate to? What are we relating to exactly: her violence, her rudeness, what? I think that says more about the people admiring her than it does about TP's storytelling.

"I never called you a hater, and I wasn't specifically talking about you, I get what you are saying." -- kaypain42

No, you don't.

"I don't get however, the people, which I'm not talking about you, come here generalize Tyler's audience." -- kaypain42

Then who are you talking to? Because I am obviously talking directly to you.

"When I go into the theater I seem White, black, domican, etc... packed full of people of diversity." -- kaypain42

You know, this point never holds any relevance to me. Maybe because I never see this "diversity" in the audience of a TP movie and I'm seeing his films in the biggest melting pot in the freaking country: the NYC. So, your audiences are diverse. Great. I saw two TP films in the theater. One in Brooklyn, the other in Manhattan, and both were packed to capacity with black people, and these theaters were in white neighborhoods. If there was a white person, I didn't see them and I was looking. In the end of the day, his gross is mostly attributed by black audiences. So, for the sake of debate, being that we have different experiences, let's leave the white audience out of this.

"Why do you feel people ignore good quality movies because they watch Tyler Perry movies." -- kaypain42

What the? Nobody said anything like this.

"I personally found Antwone Fisher a boring movie, that's just me." -- kaypain42

That would be you, wouldn't it...

"People just want good laughs, and while most might think his movies are funny." -- kaypain42

Well, if that's all you want that's all Hollywood would give you, which is sort of the basis of the debates here. And most likely you're speaking just for yourself, I'm sure. But what about the people who would say that then complain about wanting good dramas? What about them? They should be held accountable for the double standards that only undermine the progress of black cinema.

"He created lots of opportunities for black actors out." -- kaypain42

So did Spike Lee and John Singleton. You're not saying this as if he's the first, right???

"There are 2 movies I thought stand out, which were Why Did I Get Married, and The Family That Preys. Those weren't bad movies." -- kaypain42

TFTP was his best to me. Still not up to my standard but it wasn't as contrived and ridiculous as WDIGM? But are those the only 2 movies from TP you thought weren't bad? If so, then you further strengthen our argument.

"I understand he has his audience, and nobody is trying to tell him to stop what has worked, but I just want him to step it up a little at times, and also for people to give other movies a chance as well, which clearly deserve it." -- cheldove

You would think, considering how much work people put into these gems while Tyler Perry simply churns his out through some revolving door, one after another, with no real effort. You know how long it takes to just develop a good film on average before production? It takes, on an average, five years. I'm developing four right now, two of which are about to go into production. This is what we do. Sydney Pollack, R.I.P., used to say this to us all the time: "With the opportunity to make movies comes the responsibility to make them good." I live by that and making good films take time. I respect your money too much to half-a$$ you with crap. Ask Frank E. Flowers about rushing projects, who wrote his feature debut "Haven" (starring Zoe Saldana and Orlando Bloom) in one weekend. Go figure.

Tyler Perry can give his audience whatever, the audience will still come. He doesn't have to try with his audience. It's rather impressive actually, and he gets rich. And I see we're not the only ones who feel this way: "I think the problem is, he rushes through his projects," said kaypain42

To conclude, there's nothing wrong with changing what works right now. Pixar made an empire off of changing the way they do things every production. And let's not ask them how long it takes for them to develop their stories. They've been nominated for best screenplay almost every year since "Finding Nemo." Again, go figure...

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


How do you know people who watch TP aren't watching other types of movies?

You don't, you're judging.

I watch all types of movies, as a matter of fact I've even taken some film classes in college and I find TP movies entertaining, just as I found Citizen Kane and Psycho (film classics) entertaining.

Stop judging, because people like TP doesn't mean they can't or don't enjoy other types of films.


Nobody is judging anybody. Are some of you clueless or what? Hell I watch TP films also. So what is your point? What has been said is; if you would actually read and comprehend what's been said, is how that they "DO NOT" support other quality black films the same way as TP films. The numbers don't lie.



You're being defensive for no reason. My comments are directed at the people who only spend their movie money on Tyler Perry films. If you're seeing Tyler Perry films and going out to see "The Secret Life of Bees" and the many other superior films with an all black cast then I'm not talking to you.

And please, don't bring up all time classics like "Citizen Kane." We're not saying those are the films you should see. That's a bit much. Just see other high quality black films, especially on the independent market, and you'll be part of the solution. That's all.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


"His movies teaches moral lessons based of Christian belief. It's that simple. "

thats where you get your christian beliefs.

maybe you should get your drug policies from harold and kumar
and your manners from jackass

*knowledge speaks.....wisdom listens*



I completely agree with you cheldove

I'm not prejudiced. I hate all stupid people.



I may have been sitting on my ass with that last comment, as I am now with this one, but I'm normally on the go, responding to jag-offs like you with my blackberry.

"This is the same clown (QuietStorm) that said Love Jones was a bad film." -- coleburnz07

Bad? I never said bad. Find the quote. I said it wasn't good. So, it's either bad or good for you, STUPID?! No gray areas, huh, sh!t for brains? I don't think it's bad. Learn how to read. Better yet, stop manipulating my words for the sake of your argument. I caught you out there before and you continue to do so. You may be stupid but you're not that idiotic, are you?

And critically acclaimed? From where Vladimir? On rottentomatoes, it got a 6.9 with an average vote of 6, a point more than I would give it. Nonetheless, the critics seem to be in agreement with me. What critical acclaim? You be making this sh!t up as you go along? What a buffoon.

"This guy is obviously just a bitter person who feels the need to bash another mans success (and his supporters), because they don't watch the crap he puts out." -- colebunz07

Crap? Yeah, okay. Yet, I'm the one with the REAL critical acclaim, winning a few prestigious awards over the years and being part of the producing team of some popular award winning films and television programming. I'm the jury member of some top tier film festivals because of my past critical acclaim, and there's so much more in store and I'm madd young. And every film I released was a success. It didn't make the money Tyler Perry films made, but we normally gross 5x or more the money we spend to make the money. So, people are seeing our crap. I bet you even went out and saw one of my crappy films, unless you only see TP's films. So, how can I be bitter when I'm paid in full?

If anything, I'm inspired by his success. It shows Hollywood that black people do go out to see movies. You wouldn't know, because you're living your lame life somewhere in *beep* USA. But when I started really getting into this business, an executive at one of the top studios in Hollywood, asked me in confidence, do black people really go out to see the black movies we put out? Ironically enough, this was off a conversation we were having about the dismal box office of "Eve's Bayou," "Spawn," "The Players Club" and...drumroll..."Love Jones!"

"Movies like the Great Debaters and The Secret Life of Bee's DID perform well at the box office, stop saying otherwise." -- coldbunz07

And? You're saying it as if I said they performed bad at the box office. If I did, find the quote. I SAID, because you're either dumb or blind or both, people aren't supporting these quality films the same way they are supporting TP's films. That's all any of us is saying. These films aren't even half the success a TP film is. TSLOB gross of about 37 million can't compare to Madea's 87 million to date. There's a potential 50 million there that can be easily divided amongst the higher quality films, sending the word to Hollywood. But you can't see that cause you're an idiot.

"They may not be the box office hits that you wish them to be" -- colecheese

I wish them to be? It's the studios putting them out that wish them to be. In fact, they insist in most cases, or else. Instead of sitting around playing with yourself, you should get some insight on how this industry really works.

"...but niether are most of Tyler Perry's fact Madea Goes to Jail is probably his first film to break out of the 30-50 mill range....Stop acting like black people arn't watching those "quality" films you keep bringing up." -- colespit07

That's right. Because most of Tyler Perry's films don't have Madea in it. He seems to score gold when Madea is parlaying on the screen, which means the black people come out in droves as long as they can see the man in drag acting the fool. You basically supported our point with this one, STUPID! So, you're wrong as well. Black people aren't watching the "quality" films, as they're not lining up even for TP's best films.

"But then again you idiots probably just want a reason to cry about successful "black" films, idiots. Who cares if Madea is a hypocrit, or that she doesn't follow the lesson's she teaches, it's a damn movie...what next?" -- coledumz07

Now we're idiots? You're sad. First of all, nobody here is crying about the man's success. We're encouraging it you halfwit. But it would be nice to see other black films receive just half the success a Tyler Perry film gets on average. If we have to explain this to you one more time, I'll be sending your dumba$$ a "Hooked on Phonics" kit and "You're Baby Can Read" DVD's. You're in dire need. You need an intervention.

And only a neanderthal like you wouldn't care about a main character being a hypocrite. So, you people basically engage with hypocrites, right? You're nothing but a bunch of kool-aid drinkers. I'm glad half the films I produced or worked on were mostly white films. If I only worked at putting out quality black films that won't be well received because my main characters aren't hypocritical buffoons in drag, then I wouldn't be able to afford half the things I do now.


what next? you wanna b-tch about the Transformers robots, not being real too?

Are you serious? What a fool? What's my saying the robots didn't look real in the Transformers have to do with the price of tea in China? Are you my new stalker? I hope your dumba$$ can keep up cause so far, you look like a complete fool.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


right on quietstorm.

who's bitching about his success? we're discussing a movie on a discussion board.

waiting for "american violet" and "medicine for melancholy"


I missed out on two chances to see "Medicine for Melancholy." I heard it's a really good film. I never heard of "American Violet." I'll be looking out for those, along with a little film called "Pro-Black Sheep."

If only there were more people like you, eagerly anticipating the many indie gems made by black people.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



My dude indie... Still didn't cop that "Hooked on Phonics" for improving your reading comprehension skills I see...

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


I'm going to order MfM this weekend on ifc ondemand. American Violet is about a young single mother who was unfairly arrested during a small town drug bust. I think I've heard of Pro-Black Sheep. I'll look out for that. I'm really, really excited for Medicine because it's written and directed by a black male and starring two black actors showcasing their relationship (or lack of) without hip hop, drugs, or basketball as a backdrop.

waiting for "american violet" and "medicine for melancholy"




I'll make this quick cause I have an industry affair to attend.

I think you mean 69%, and no that doesn't equal out to a means 70% of the reviews for the film were positive. That's what you call critical acclaim, Wendell. Learn how to do math.

You're right. The 6.9 was suppose to be 69%. But the average rating was a 6/10, which sort of rounds out about the same as I said (6.9), even though I made a mistake. Whatever. 6/10 is NOT critical acclaim. I'm looking at my large Godfather poster right now and it says "One of the Most Critically acclaimed movies of all time." Now they average a 9/10. Now that's a film that was critically acclaimed. If I need to learn math, you need to learn how to stop manipulating sh!t to support your ridiculous claims. Get a grip b!t@h.

Few people watch movies to walk away with some type of artistic integrity that you morons think you gain from watching "quality" films.

Think? I know. Of course you don't benefit from such because you don't watch "quality" movies, or you wouldn't know one if it landed on you like an anvil from the sky. You get worse from universally panned films and I get mines from films that happen to be critically acclaimed. F^@&!ng IDIOT!

Also I like how you idiots continue to deny that you're not hating on his success, but all of your hate is based on how successful his films are within the black community, compared to "quality" films. You bunch of tool sheds are a bunch of hypocrits.

I'm convinced. You're mentally challenged. Worse than that, you're also a manipulative little turd that deserves to rot like a dead rat in the road. There's nothing to deny. We can only say it a few times. You believe what you want, you moronic infestation.

Great way to help the situation you constantly b-tch about on a daily basis. No wonder black folks make it so far in hollywood, with self-hating "yes yousa boss" ass negro's like you in a position to change things, you do absolutely nothing to help the problem, congratulations you're a jackass

You finally made me laugh you dumb f^@&!ng cockroach. I'm doing my thing. Believe me. Change is on the way and it'll be all quality. Nothing new on my end. There's nothing wrong with half the films I produced being predominantly white. In most cases, they hold monopoly on better stories in my opinion and I love great stories. The perks? I have a sense of satisfaction with the end result and I get more money because, well, people of all races support such films. I'm not the problem, you dried up vomit scum, it's a$$holes like you who are the problem, condoning TP's lackluster efforts behind the camera. You need to congratulate yourself @o@ksu@ka.

LOL By "stalker", You mean like cheldove and LaWanda? or are they just your "yes" men, following you around agreeing with everything you say? Listen you're a clown.

I can actually visualize your already low I.Q. slipping like the dow jones with every one of your responses. Before insulting them, realize one thing: cheldove used to respectfully argue me when we first met. And LaWanda74 just happen to be on the same page. And for you to even know that much to perceive them as my "yes" women already answers the question. You are my new stalker. Shall I bring you some lemonade as you stake me out from your van, like Catherine Zeta Jones did with Don Cheadle in "Traffic"? You're the worst kind of stalker too. You back tracked my history since the beginning of time to make that accusation. You're a dedicated, stalker. Scary. Listen, nincompoop, you need a life. Don't back track my messages. That can only be done by some who doesn't have a job or some sort of responsibility. Come out of your cave and meet people. Live a little.

And if I was indiethinker, I would really exemplify my independent thinking and steer clear of sh!theads like you.

Have a good night (raising my middle finger)!

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



That's not even what I meant. I like hip hop music and crime drama films too. But many times when there are films with a black cast, they are centered around someone trying to become a rapper, or someone dealing with drugs/crime, whatever, instead of having a simple story. I could also include the recent surge of "hair centered" films, i.e. Barbershop/Beauty Shop/Hair Salon or 'family reunions'. I was talking about the fact that Medicine for Melancholy tells the story of just two people with regular problems; that we (blacks) can have movies like this without the stereotypes. Its not me that's doing the stereotyping. There are many movies like this with white casts. Do you see where I'm getting at?

waiting for "american violet" and "medicine for melancholy"


Don't waste your time responding to shrooms for brains (colesnot07). It never seems to know wtf it's talking about.

Now colebitcha$$07...

You have proven what a coward you are on the previous thread that was deleted. You denied saying something about me then you deleted your posts to cover your tracks, the very posts that proved you said what you said. You probably snitched on the whole thread, which was eventually deleted. However, your cowardice antics have reached an all time low. You make this comment then run. Well...

(locking colebastard07 in) you's can't leave.

I'm going to easily pull your mentally handicapped card, and there will be no coming back on your end. But then again, you're good for conjuring BS to support your dumb arguments. So, you might be capable of the unthinkable. Now watch as I tear you a new one with your own card.

"One thing is clear here....You don't know what the hell you're talking about! You see, dumbass, Rottentomatoes breaks each overall review into 2 parts; The movies with overall positive reviews get labled "fresh". The movies with overall low reviews (or below 50%) get labled "rotten"." -- colefool07

You're making this too easy for me. Here's why. Go to Take your time copying and pasting the link, or whatever you do. I don't want you to hurt yourself with this challenging task. Now click on any movie title. I have to go slow for you. You see the TOMATOMETER? One side is the percentage, the other will be either a tomato or a splat, similar to the splat in your skull that should have been your brain. Next to that, what do you see in three rows: Reviews Counted (the # of reviews tallied by both critics and regulars), Fresh/Rotten (the number of positive and negative reviews) and (drumroll) *blink*the average rating*blink*. Now let me slow it down another notch. Similar to the rating system here on, the critics' and regulars ratings are estimated in a 10/10 scale, which is the highest, 1/10 being the lowest. That's the average rating I was talking about. Put the crack-pipe down and pay attention. That's where the "6/10 nonsense come from." So, it's clear that you're the one that don't know what you're talking about... STUPID!!! Get your sh!t right.

Now, judging from the "Average Rating" for "Love Jones" on, which is a 6.4, a point higher than the 5 I would give it, you can't call the film critically acclaimed. The Godfather isn't a stupid argument. It's average rating is a 9.something. Nothing under a 7.5 is considered critically acclaimed. Don't believe me? Do what you do best and backtrack (stalk) on all of the truly, critically acclaimed films from the past ten years. Again, you have proven to lack knowledge on this topic. You might need to go on a board for something else like basket weaving or something... STUPID!!!

Oh, and to further twist the dagger I struck into your chest, looking over some of the critics reviews, a film with that many splats can't be called "critically acclaimed." Maybe it is to you but the rest of the world would beg to differ. Splats or no splats, I personally don't think the film was very good. It was an okay 5/10 for me. I have my own opinion about these things. "Atonement" was critically acclaimed and I hated it. "Crash" won Best Picture and I came down hard on that film as well. You wasn't there, so don't try to make it seem as if I don't have my own opinion. Just ask the people who know me before assuming... STUPID!!!

"LOL It's hilarious how you have this "holier-than-thou" attitude towards others when it comes to film." --

Hold up. Right here, you sound painfully insecure. I knew you was insecure when you deleted the comments I called you out on, but this right here screams "I still wet my pants."

"Yet, You've proven to be just as close minded as the people you attack. Unlike you, I can watch a movie without expecting to gain something from it." -- colesh!tty07

You think so? Where do I prove such a thing when most of my debates center around people supporting all films, not just one kind of film?

"Meaning, I can appreciate a movie like the Godfather, but at the same time also appreciate movies like Die Hard, or the Predator for what they are." -- coledense07

Talk about stupid arguments. You bring up "Die Hard" and "The Predator" as if those films are half as bad as, say, a Madea film. I believe the first "Die Hard" is one of the best straight action-popcorn films ever made and "The Predator" was pretty solid as well. Not even your beloved "Love Jones" is at the same level as the two films you mentioned. What the f^@% are you talking about? Really?!

"Take the stick out of your ass once in a while" -- colebuttcrack07

I do, so you can put it in your mouth...

"And please I've seen more movies than you've dreamed of seeing." -- colesplat

You know what. I'll do what you do well. I'll make an assumption and bet that you haven't seen half the films I saw. The difference is, I'm admitting to my assumption. I just know I'm right in this case. So, DON'T GO THERE! YOU DON'T WANT IT IN THE "WHO SAW MORE MOVIES" FIGHT, B!T@#! Oh wait... (clearing my throat) ... STUPID!!!

"Damn right there's nothing to deny. All I did was break your "argument" down and simplify it. Blacks watching TP/Madea over the films YOU believe are quality. And you being bitter about it...that pretty much sums it up." -- coleschnauzer

You see how you only pull bits of a statement and manipulate it enough to prove your absurd point? You do it to everyone. Only the daft is buying your BS. If they read the whole statement, they would see that I was responding to your claim that we're some how hating his success, as if we want him to fail. Your comment makes it clear that in your deluded retardation you truly believe we want people to stop seeing TP's films, when all we're simply saying is see his films along with the others. You're the dumbest f^@% on this side of the infinite universe, making your stupidity equally as infinite.

"I wasn't insulting them...I was stating fact. These 2 posters seem to follow you around, agreeing with every word you say (and vice versa) no questions asked. That is of course if they are actual people behind those screen names and not *cough*your alias's*cough* know with you being the "busy" movie producer that you are and all." -- colebumm07

(sigh) And the hits just keep on coming. You make this too easy. Hammering away in anger? What anger? You're a joke, and with this comment you have reached an irredeemable low. For you to believe that I have aliases (with an 'es' not apostrophe 's'), and these two people are my aliases... wow. I bet if we squeezed that brain of yours, nothing but tarter sauce will ooze out. Wow... I can't even get over your stupidity at this point. I'm almost shocked. Thanks. You just owned yourself with this one.

"LOL Yep, I checked your post history. It's there for a reason and all it takes is one click to see these things. Yet, you're sitting here acting like you have to be some intelligence professional to do or know this." -- coledouche

No, but you have to be a stalker. That's what you are. A stalking, hating a$$ cow with tartar sauce for brains. Well, I have news for you stalker cow, you didn't own sh!t. If anything, I owned you back on the other thread that was deleted, when you deleted your comment after I blasted you for pretending as if you didn't say the things you said. This time, you're making a complete fool of yourself, first with the rottentomatoes then with my aliases. You make this easy, never challenging. You should quit. Go pick on some children or a Goldfish or something. You have NOTHING... STUPID!!!

"Unlike you indiethinker has his own brain and doesn't rely on what others tell him to form his opinion. The last person he should be listening to is you." -- colehangingfromherbunz

Get off of indiethinker's d!@%. You're like the controlling little b!t@# in daycare: (whining) "Don't speak to him cause I'm not his friend." Kick rocks you dumb bastard.

(sticking my middle finger up your nose)

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004




I told you you can't leave. I own you. You stay right here and let me tear you another with your card, you f^@%!ng varmint.

You show clear signs of a delusional b!t@#. All you do is say irrational, misguided sh!t, erase your comments when people call you out then you backtrack people's comments only to manipulate and misconstrue them to support your dump opinions, all while you're "stalking" those who get the better of you.

And you have to be the most unoriginal a$$wipe in the history of Mother's basement? That is an old and tired comment used by IMDB scum like you to assume an enemies position. Are you f^@%!ng serious? In your case, you say so to make you feel better about you. It would make things a lot easier if I'm not to you what I say I am, wouldn't it? It's good to know that all I have to do is give out my real name and your whole world would be shattered as envy will consume you, leaving you more as the bitter, demon possessed wench you are.

"Clear signs of a delusional man, you claimed I did this but where's your proof?" -- coleslut

I can't right now and you know it. The thread was deleted and you know this, that's why you're so confident in screaming "where's your proof?" Well, the only proof I have is accurate memory. You made your comment, I blazed you (quoting your words as I always do), you come back insulting me as if you never said what you said even with the proof of me quoting you, I blazed you for lying and when I went back to link you, your comment was deleted. I clicked on to the deleted comment and it said "deleted by poster," which was YOU! . That's my proof loser. Both comments deleted, both deleted by poster.

"Think about what you're doing here, you've made your own online life playing a hollywood producer, but yet 95% of your day is spent on this one website." -- colewench

Whaaaat? You have to be the most insecure turd in the history of insecure turds. 95% of my day? That's probably your most inaccurate comment yet, unbelievably more than most of the crap you write. I'm on a lot, usually checking in on my blackberry in between locales or when I'm not doing sh!t. By the time I even log on, half my work is done. I start 4:30AM in the morning when lazy, unambitious losers like you are still asleep. My day consists of early morning workouts, work, breaks, work some more, martial arts, then maybe an industry party on the weekday. By this time, just after 12PM, I have nothing to do until L.A. is completely awake, then that's another four hours of work. Then I'm back here to rip in new ones in people like your dumba$$.

"You go around with your aliases arguing with people and agreeing with yourself,because nobody else does, you're pretty pathetic...." -- coleb!t@h

Sorry, LaWanda74 and cheldove. I don't want to bring you two into this. I'm having too much fun annihilating her a$$ by myself. She's like one of those giant cockroaches that takes a whole can of Raid to kill, but I'm killing her softly. I see her antennas slowing down. Anywho, check this dumba$$ out. She really believe I created you two as my other aliases to support my comments. She seriously believes this. I hope you're witnessing the madness for yourself. If anyone is paying attention, this should be enough to expose her for the pathetic, maniacal little @^nt she is.

"You go around spewing your opinion like it's fact, when you're clearly wrong." -- colesh!thead

True, if your talking about yourself. At least I admit when I'm wrong. I'm sure you can backtrack and find that in my history as well. But compared to you, I'm never wrong and you have proven that you would never admit how wrong you are. It's part of your game. This is how you get off. What? No response about how WRONG you was about Hmm? Nothing? Not even a my bad? And let's not even go back to your whole aliases a$$umption and my so-called producing career. I could easily reveal my name and with the undeniable proof staring your turdness right in your turd face, you would still talk the "mother's basement" sh!t. You're the worse of the worse.

"But I shouldn't be suprised by you're irrational thinking....You're the same guy that thought Spike Lee fired his agents because of your little online rants about his "yes men". It was hilarious how you tried to take credit for that, and then tried to correct him on who he should have really fired, but never ended up doing...More proof of your delusion." -- coleho

You wenchy little tard! Are you reading my comments correctly? Proof? Okay. You're not allowed to quote me or comment on my comments anymore without a link to them. You have to provide links to my comments as "proof." And no copying and pasting just part of my quote. That's unethical reporting. report me right. Provide links and only links. Until then, you're exactly the person I called you out to be when I first screamed on you: a manipulative, deceitful little trash b!t@# who twists people's words for the sake of your own argument. There's no honor in that. Provide the links then you got me. Until then, you're writing this for your own little pathetic amusement as wiser folks would realize your lies say more about you than they do about me. BRING THE LINKS, F^@%!NG LIAR!

And you tried to call some other poster out for stalking you. You claim you tore him/her a new one and now he/she is stalking you. Maybe you was really talking about yourself? I mean, you're doing it to me. I ripped you for misquoting me, you deleted your quotes, then you knew not to show your ugly grill on the "said thread" against me again. What? You need a hug, boo-boo?

" But, I understand you're upset because I used your post history against you." -- colebuguphera$$

This is false. How could you? You're twisting my words and misquoting me. You might have a point if I see you're comprehending my quotes correctly and using them against me, but you haven't done so yet, not once. You don't get it right on this thread with my quotes right here in your face. You take some of my quote, leaving out the actual point. You're not smart enough use a bone a against a dog. I would always rule over dumb weaklings like you. Like I said before, provide the links and then let's talk about it. Until then, you're a lying ski-o.

"Let's be real here, you're post count is nearly 3 times my post count (not to count your aliases). This pretty much shows you're more obsessed with my responses, than anything else." -- colebrick

Not only are you stupid, you also suffer from delusions of grandeur. If you're really backtracking me correctly, you'll see that most of my responses are like this to EVERYONE, especially against people who want to talk sh!t. Don't think you're special over this argument. Ask my aliases or anyone who know me. See what I mean? You're over celebrating yourself for things you're not accomplishing. This means you're convinced that you're a failure in life while being weak and painfully insecure. I'm now feeling sorry for you. I'm calling Dr.Phil for you. You need a new change in your life... (shaking my head in pity)

"Dude, You sit in your underwear waiting for me to respond to you..." -- colebutter

I wish I could be. Nothing is more comfortable than being in my underwear in front of my computer at my home office. That's actually a good thought. Well, the truth is, most of your comments were read on a blackberry, then I would wait until I get the chance to get in front of a computer to type one of my longer comments. Short comments are done on my blackberry. That's some truth for your a$$. You want more truth? I wish I could be in my underwear sometimes. However, on the bigger scheme of things, you're just saying this because I keep on responding to your BS. This is suppose to discourage me some how? You're easy. Why not take advantage? I like doing my part by ripping new ones in people like you, because it's obvious by your comments that your original one is clogged up. I'm trying to help you b!t@h.

"I like how this street talk all of the sudden comes out of you, hilarious." -- colewhat?

Street talk? Dumb b!t@#, I was talking like this to your f^@%!ng a$$ since the first time I barked on your stupid a$$. Dumb heffa.

"And well I only commented on him...because you commented to him...about me, first. Not only that, but this is the SECOND time you've brought his name into it...So, I guess I'm not the only one on his d-ck, now am I?" -- colewho?

No, you fat toad. As you can see, he joins in with you with some of his criticism. You both been doing so since the thread I first snuffed you on. I simply respond to those comments by him. Check the history ski-mix. You stay on your knees before him.

"Now, Have a nice day, and I hope your mother dies from aids." -- coleisthemostpatheticb!tchintheshistoryofimdb

If nothing else proves I own you, this comment does. This only proves I own you and your soul, to the point where you get bitter enough to try to curse my dear old mother. Well, I won't have to worry about that happening, just another one of your hopes and dreams gone to hell. She's living better than you for sure.

You will never succeed at anything. I look forward to hearing about you from your trailer park motor home. You're a loser, a fiend, a liar, pathetic, a setback to mankind, a disgrace... Need I say more? No! (raising my middle finger again)

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


This is too funny...LOL. You can "EASILY" tell when a person is intellectually challenged, when they cannot support their opinions without throwing insults. And the mother comment proves their "IGNORANCE". He /she is looking dumber with every post. GIVE IT UP ColeBUSTED.....Storm is way out of your league...LOL.


QuietStorm is not Bitter he just doesn't accept every pile of mess(movies) thrown his way.

Academy Award Winner Heath Ledger February 22, 2009



^^^ Hmm... Alias???

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



Where's indiethinker when racist c^nt$ like coleprostitute come along? All this time he was siding with a prejudice trashy skank who obviously isn't black. That's what he gets.

And if this is the best comeback you have, coleskank, you have just dumped yourself in the "waste of time" bin. Like cheldove righyfully said, you are not in my league. Beat it!

I will never reveal anything to you. I would if I had something to prove but I don't, not to you desperate need of a tan, fat skanky, fishy €OO€h having a$$.

Now I'm fat. If only you can see the fit, muscular, martial arts body, you'll be on your knees for me halfway through the 'job you're giving indie right now. And I'm just now on my way home from the dojo. . Get on your knees.

Btw, this is blackberry respond your skankness.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


OMG! The skank just called me a spearchucker in her subject then changed it to "nut job." And you say I need to grow balls?

And still the heavyweight champion of the woooooooooooorrrrrlld! Thanks for giving me your soul skank. You now belong to me. I will stalk you now because I can. I want the world to know you're mine. Evil

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Finally, you pulled a quote. But you misunderstood. I had a talk with spike a few years ago. I have known him since 97 when I was on the PA scene. I had suggested he should get a new agent because his agent at the time was a yes man. I was poking fun but I was being real with him. He's always had yes men around him. Maybe TP do to, I don't know. But my quote was to make fun of hs decision, only after several years when I told him. I don't even know if it was the same agent he fired. And this is all true. I'm only saying this to defend my words. My intentions are never to LIE just to make someone else feel bad.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Who said that people who like TP only watch TP productions? I watch every genre of film and I find Diary of a Mad Black Woman, just as entertaining as Secret Life of Bees.

People can be diverse.



OMG. You're really stupid. It's no game with you. A symbol of retarded middle America. I guess you also think Obama is a muslim terrorist too, huh?

What lie? you didn't catch me in sh!T! Are you kidding me? Wow. You're like...surreal. I thought I would only see people like you in spoofs. I can see you now, pointing at your dusty computer screen with this "Ah-hah" look on your face. How can you catch me in a lie which is actually true dummy?

First off, I went back to talking regular because you seemed sensible enough to bring a quote instead misquoting me without proof. But now, I see you're still confused about what I said and you're furthering your retarded campaign to try to discredit me or something. I'll continue talking to you like the smelly @^nt having skank B!tch you are.

Mysteriously deleted? I don't delete my comments, especially threads I created. So, shove your assumption down your throat you dumb b!t@H with all the other male and female and animal excretes. Somebody probably deleted it. I don't and I don't care. And if I did delete it my comment, it must've been something I said where I was wrong, maybe arguing with someone whom I misunderstood or something. I'll be back, after looking over the thread. I'm not done with you yet skank. I'm about to get medieval on yo'a$$.

Can you read, or is there too much blood rushing to your empty head cause you're always faced down on your knees with a mouth full? I never said anything about him firing his agent because of my thread. What are? Mad? The thread you probably talking about was started to let people know that he should fire his yes men. I don't know if Spike reads this crap. I'm just starting trouble with the guy, and let those who do read the threads know that Spike has "yes men" and they can be responsible for anyone performing below their expectations.

And yes, I know him. Worked on a few of his productions and everything. I know everyone he works with and they're "yes men," laughing at everything he says. I could see the discomfort in his face, realizing that these people are laughing for no reason. You don't have to believe me. I don't give a f^C& skank. Read my threads correctly, understand them then come talk. Right now, you making your retardation evident with every hopeless response. You're a clueless ski-o that needs to get a life. If not, there's always the nearby bridge you can jump off of.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


"I also like how you've made false racism accusations against me, that's hilarious. I'm black you moron...." -- coledouchehag

You skanky, smelling lying ski-mix. Just look above at one of my responses to you and you can see my subject line reflecting yours where you called me a "spearchucker." I could have put that in there but I didn't. I never use the term. It's not my style. That was your response to me and my response to it reflected it--leaving me with your racist term in my subject line. Everyone knows how this message board thing works.

Then you said more racist crap in the body of your text. I didn't bother quoting you like I normally do because I was on my blackberry. I just responded. A few seconds later, I come back and your cowardliness changed the "spearchucker" in your subject line to "nut job" and you actually reworded your whole body of text, eliminating your racist comments for fear of being chewed up and spit out by everyone here, including your daddy Independentthinker1. You can't be black with the things you said. Now who's caught in a lie.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



She's a clown. He, she, it. You and I usually clash but I respect your opinion on some things. There is some truth to what you say. In fact, I remember you and I taking on a whole two threads of people saying all sorts of racist crap on one of those Soapbox threads like a year ago. But this broad is a lying, skanky, pathetic coward of a wench who got owned by me to the degree where she started wishing death on my mother. But it's all good, cause to take the time to say the things she say, I KNOW here life is hell and whatever evil she wishes just happens to her. So, I encourage it.

I didn't mean to bring you up in a few of those comments but she's clearly on yours. Instead of siding with wenches like her, let's keep our debates clean and to the point. That's what I'm about.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



I gave praise to "Premium"? Wow. You're a piece of work. Then again, it takes work to sh!t when you're constipated so you're nothing special. You're just a plain ole'ordinary piece of sh!T. And as you can see, I was talking to indiethinker. Why don't you bury your face in between the thighs of some guy or something.

Can't you see. I won't stop. I own you. This is want owners to. Manage their investments. And you're a poor investment right now. I see you have the attention span of a gnat and worse a brain the size of an ovary. I have to be on top of you. I won't stop until you, the creature I own, pay off. So, get used to me sweetie.

And, no, I'm not Reggie, who I actually know, and I'm not Vondie Curtis Hall, who I met once through his wife Kasi. Another reason why I would never reveal myself. If they only knew I'm on here trashing films like Biker Boyz and Waist Deep I would lose friends, colleagues, etc.

And the proof I have of your racist comments is in the subject line of my response to it... You called me a "damn Spearchucker" and went to say worse. All I have is my word and if nobody ever believes about anything, especially concerning your racist comments to me, then so be it. You and I know the truth, you stink, fat, skanky cow.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004



Oh boy. You're boring. Maybe if you was a bit smart but your arguments, your lies. It's just... boring. At first I wasn't going to respond, but I just want to pull a few of your own quotes that shows how some people can survive without a brain.

"Yeah, you're one to talk, pal. You sit on your fat ass all day criticizing other peoples work, while hiding your own material from being criticized by others on here." -- [b]coledummy[/blue]

Um, I can't hide my work. If I did, I would never be in this business, STUPIDA! All my films are on and they're open to criticism. We get criticized and I could take it. I'm not you you weakling.

"You can call me a piece of sh-t, but at least I'm not a coward who criticizes (talks sh-t) to colleagues or friends behind their back." -- coleidiot

Um, I have told these people what I think, at least the ones I see on a regular. And it's all good. I only come on here to debate other people's opinions, especially when they don't have the faintest idea of what they're talking you. And in some debates, some of the things said to them confidentially come out on the boards for the sake of argument. So, no coward here wench. Take the @o@k out of your mouth and pay attention. Don't ASSume.

"'This is want owners to' What the hell is that supposed to mean?" -- colesnot

You got me. Typos all over the place. I was madd tired. Whatever. You still ain't got sh!t on me.

" LOL@you owning me. Is that right? Is that why i've been sending you the successful "busy" hollywood producer...into these angry tirades, that end up with you backtracking, and typing out some long drawn out response, that I don't even read all the way through." -- colesh!tforbrains

Yes I own you. You said you won't come back and you keep on coming back. Signs of an owned person. That's all it takes. LOL.

Angry tirades? B!t@#, I'm far from angry. I enjoy owning. This is fun, typing these things during my breaks. The best thing about it is, I know you have nothing over me, on the boards or in real life. It's obvious.

And save the "sitting on my fat a$$" stuff. If I upload one pic of my body for you to see, you will have a lesson in humility that would last a lifetime.

Backtracking? I haven't backtracked you once, have I? When does the lying stop with you? You're just a skanky right-fighter. You're not about upward mobility. You're about the games. You're a joke, a loser.

And don't read my responses all the way through as you say. It proves that most of the sh!t you spew is made up, and you can't take the heat in the kitchen. You're mine.

"I wasn't saying you were any of these people, d!ckhead, I was simply stating that you better not be putting out bad movies such as those" -- coleskankness

All of the films I either wrote, directed or produced average a 6.6 or better on And nothing less than a 74% on My filmography, not to mention the awards, speak for itself. So, shut your *beep*

"Yet, again you play stupid as if having an alias is an impossible thing to do. Now, we're acting like changing the thread title is impossible, you and I both know you changed it. The proof can be seen in my post history, If I made a racist comment toward you, there would be other racist comments in my post history, and there are none...just admit you typed up that "spearchucker" comment in frustration against me." -- colesputen

This is where you messed up, at least with my Michael Corleone calculating a$$. It shouldn't take a NYPD Homicide detective to figure out your deceit here, but if it does then, so be it.

First of all, the "we're acting like changing the thread title is impossible, you and I both know you changed it" line was taking from my previous comment. So, there's no point of you copying what I alread said unless you're desperate.

Secondly, your words I marked off red, you shouldn't have mention that. This makes you look even more desperate, especially on IMDB message boards. The people here are smart enough to know that if you made one comment, all you have to do is change that one comment and it will change in your message history. We're already aware of that. So, if we look in your message history, you won't see your racist comments in your history if you changed them. Why do you feel the need to explain something that is clearly debatable?

Why are you explaining? Why are you desperately trying to prove yourself, to the point of using my own argument against me? You're not even being subtle about it.

Thirdly, as I said before, you made your one racist post, I responded, which left me with the "RE:" of your comment, ending with "...damn spearchucker" in the subject line. It's about ten comments above this one. Like I said before, as you know because you copied me, I could have changed it myself but I didn't. If I did, I certainly wouldn't use a word like "spearchucker." I would have tried to give you way more enemies with something like "Monkeyspunk" or something. Lol. People know I'm creative. "Spearchucker" would come from someone completely unoriginal, uninspired and boring, someone like you.

And what's worse is you trying to lie against me when you and I both know the truth. It's pathetic. You was already owned when you brought my mother into it. Your angry tirade there was similar to your tone with the racist comments, which only sealed the deal. Now you're lying to me. Not everyone else, because most already read and made up their minds about you. You're lying to me, the one who saw the racist comments and is calling you on them. You're just a loser, for real, for real.


Now come on back so we can continue this. You my bottom b!t@# now.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Coleburnz got his ass handed to him by Quietstorm on a silver plate. Just give up bro, he embarassed you from left to right on this entire thread and you have nothing to say but resort to personal attacks like you always do because you aren't clever or creative to think of anything better.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


LOL. That's nothing. You should have seen the racist comments she made about me and the hateful ones she made about my mother. The coward deletes his her threads every time. She lost it a few times. Like pimpin', "owning" ain't easy as

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Alot of Ether-ism being thrown around in here.

Pacific Division aka Pac Div EP now available on itunes!

video for the single "Taste" here:

"When people do not have a past, they must create myths to supplement the facts of their existence"


LOL. That's nothing. You should have seen the racist comments she made about me and the hateful ones she made about my mother. The coward deletes his her threads every time. She lost it a few times. Like pimpin', "owning" ain't easy as

I saw some of the comments he made about being a "house negro" or something to that affect. He's a racist douche. Has he called you Wendell yet? That seems to be one of the few words in his micro-vocabulary.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


I saw some of the comments he made about being a "house negro" or something to that affect. He's a racist douche. Has he called you Wendell yet? That seems to be one of the few words in his micro-vocabulary.

*grabs crotch*

Oh! I was wondering why my balls felt so heavy...Wendell! You're still there hanging off of them! I guess it's true what they say about homophobes...that you're really afraid of yourself, it's no wonder you're riding my d-ck LOL....How long was it since I last owned you? 3 or 4 weeks ago? I guess you're still mad that I embarrassed you to the point that you deleted your comments, dedicated a thread to me, and changed your name to save face. LOL And yeah...I got owned here, but that doesn't change the fact that I owned you (which is why you're following me around like a battered wife). If it did, you wouldn't be going back through your post history to track me down every week to see my latest post. I've hit some low blows on here, but you're taking it a step further by keeping tabs on me, dude! LOL

I don't know if I should be flattered that I have a fan, or disturbed that some grown dude (who's supposed to be homophobic) is following me around in anger because I made an ass out of him on the Bad Girls Club message board?!?


*grabs crotch*

Oh! I was wondering why my balls felt so heavy...Wendell! You're still there hanging off of them! I guess it's true what they say about homophobes...that you're really afraid of yourself, it's no wonder you're riding my d-ck LOL....How long was it since I last owned you? 3 or 4 weeks ago? I guess you're still mad that I embarrassed you to the point that you deleted your comments, dedicated a thread to me, and changed your name to save face. LOL And yeah...I got owned here, but that doesn't change the fact that I owned you (which is why you're following me around like a battered wife). If it did, you wouldn't be going back through your post history to track me down every week to see my latest post. I've hit some low blows on here, but you're taking it a step further by keeping tabs on me, dude! LOL

I don't know if I should be flattered that I have a fan, or disturbed that some grown dude (who's supposed to be homophobic) is following me around in anger because I made an ass out of him on the Bad Girls Club message board?!?

So you're grabbing you're own crotch because no females ever have nor ever will, I know. Truth hurts. It's ok little buddy. I see you're back to being Mrs. Redundant with your lame ass "Wendell" comments that only you find amusing, but really you sound like one of the characters off of Save by the bell. What are you stuck in 1984? Nobody uses the word "Wendell" or "poindexter" anymore you dumb-f_uck.

And I see you're still stuck on branding me a homophobe yet have no proof to claim otherwise other than the fact that you yourself probably are fighting your inner-demons of when or how to explain to your parents when you're coming out of the closet. You're the one on the other thread telling me that I was sitting in my "under-wear" writing to you. What straight males makes a comment like that honesetly?

Let's see, Quietstorm basically made you his b_itch on this ENTIRE thread where you deleted your own responses several times to save face from your embarassment from him yet you have the nerve to call me out for deleting a post of one of mine in another thread how long ago? Pot calling the kettle black I see. You're a hypocrite and everyone on here knows you're a racist bigotted hypocrite.

And I like how you keep telling yourself you that you "owned" me (btw only 12 years olds use that term so congratz) yet I basically embarassed you with logic and facts you couldn't even counter because you know jack sh_it about your state and the only thing you resorted to were personal attacks like you always do. (Calling someone a "house negro was a prime example of your red-neck racist ass) The only argument you had on that ENTIRE thread was about rap and that's not saying much kid so don't pump your chest out over that. Everyone on that thread basically said you had no valid points and that I destroyed you on there. You were the only person on there defending your entire state dude. What does that tell you? Keep your mouth shut and fall back like you should've done but AGAIN you had absoulely Nothing to discredit my facts. Now when you want to talk like adults instead of constantly responded to me with "homophobism" or "gay terms" then maybe I can start taking you seriously....maybe.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


you're grabbing you're own crotch because no females ever have nor ever will, I know. Truth hurts. It's ok little buddy.

Yet, again the supposed straight homophobic guy, worried about my sexual activity. I already stated why I was grabbing my "crotch"...My balls feel heavy with you hanging off of them, remember? And it's kind of hard to get females with one dude hogging my balls the way you are.

I see you're back to being Mrs. Redundant with your lame ass "Wendell" comments that only you find amusing, but really you sound like one of the characters off of Save by the bell. What are you stuck in 1984? Nobody uses the word "Wendell" or "poindexter" anymore you dumb-f_uck.

LOL I wasn't aware (and let's be real here, neither were you), that your name (Wendell) was so popular. I guess this says alot about how lame you are if you're tired of hearing it. And sorry Wendell, I don't care how played out you think it is or if it sounds like something from Saved by the Bell...You'll always be Wendell. LOL

And I see you're still stuck on branding me a homophobe yet have no proof to claim otherwise other than the fact that you yourself probably are fighting your inner-demons of when or how to explain to your parents when you're coming out of the closet. You're the one on the other thread telling me that I was sitting in my "under-wear" writing to you. What straight males makes a comment like that honesetly?

You see, you're such an assclown I don't even have to go back through your post history to get the evidence. The proof is in this paragraph, you act offended that I called you out as a homophobe, yet in that same paragraph you use being gay as an attack against me...that's what makes you a homophobic, bigot, moron. Thanks for further proving my point, d-ckhead! The "under wear" comment was obviously pointing out you being bored and having too much time on your hands. But You're too stupid to get it, obviously. It's hilarious how you know what type of comments gay people would make...says alot about you, and explains the self hate that you're always projecting on me. I mean really, is it impossible for you not to bring up gay people at least once, when responding to me?

Let's see, Quietstorm basically made you his b_itch on this ENTIRE thread where you deleted your own responses several times to save face from your embarassment from him yet you have the nerve to call me out for deleting a post of one of mine in another thread how long ago? Pot calling the kettle black I see. You're a hypocrite and everyone on here knows you're a racist bigotted hypocrite.

I completely owned you, so bad that you've resorted to riding on another mans d-ck, in order to get back at me. You're not clever or witty enough to hang with me, so you have to use another mans name...and the funny thing here is, you're still getting roasted here. LOL Any dude who follows another guy for weeks on end, keeping tabs on that order to enact some sort of revenge on the internet, has absolutely no room to criticize my actions. And yes, you deleted a thread, after I made an ass out of you, not only that but you tried to assume a new "identity" by changing your screen name. As I said, I may have hit some low blows...but I havn't taken it to the level you have, Wendell.

And I like how you keep telling yourself you that you "owned" me (btw only 12 years olds use that term so congratz)

OK, but realize that you just called your fat assed idol QuietStorm a 12 year old kid too. He clearly states that he owned me many times in his responses. Yet, again another comment from you that backfires.

yet I basically embarassed you with logic and facts you couldn't even counter because you know jack sh_it about your state and the only thing you resorted to were personal attacks like you always do. (Calling someone a "house negro was a prime example of your red-neck racist ass)

Wrong, You resorted to personal attacks, after I countered all of your weak arguments from the discussion on the governor, all the way on down to the discussion on hip hop. I played ball with you, and now you're crying about it.

The only argument you had on that ENTIRE thread was about rap and that's not saying much kid so don't pump your chest out over that.

Well the sad thing here is you were schooled by a white person from California, about a culture your people the city you claim to live in. LOL But just like most other ignorant negroes you're too stupid to realize the importance of culture, which is why you try to chalk that argument off as "nothing to be proud of". Thank god for unnappreciative idiots like you who continue to allow us white folks take credit from you as we did with Rock N Roll.

Everyone on that thread basically said you had no valid points and that I destroyed you on there. You were the only person on there defending your entire state dude.

Yet, again you're forgetting I debunked everything you said. And well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that all of those people were New Yorkers, genius. It's called "bias". You see, Unlike you I can hold my own, I don't need to find an online community to co-sign me. You have too much time on your hands, dude!

What does that tell you? Keep your mouth shut and fall back like you should've done but AGAIN you had absoulely Nothing to discredit my facts.

You're still talking about that thread? That's usually a clear sign that you've lost. But I'll go ahead and let you keep telling yourself "I think I can, I think I can" LOL

Now when you want to talk like adults instead of constantly responded to me with "homophobism" or "gay terms" then maybe I can start taking you seriously....maybe.

*looks at post history*

Now how in the hell is this reality TV junky gonna talk to me about "talking like adults"? You're a toolshed go watch you're Toolmade TV shows like Tool Academy. Stop stalking me around...unless you want to continue to be embarrassed....


Someone has A LOT of times on their hands to write such a long tiresome diatribe you conducted about me, but let me do the same... I read through about 2 paragraphs of that. Am I that special to you man? So now I'm a ignorant "negro" now huh? How old are you grandpa? Nobody uses the word "negro" anymore, but unlike you I have class while you're some bitter ignorant hick who's too uncooth to come up with a decent arguemnet so AGAIN you resort to personal attacks. You see, I do this for fun getting you all flustered is pretty funny to say the leaset. Keep it up. Now, me being ignorant is such a blatant lie. I graduated last year with a Bachelors in human Science in one of the best colleges in the nation.(U.N.C) and I never said I lived in New York, I said I'm orginally from there...I know reading comprehension isn't your strength. I'll be by far more sucessful and you will forever be underneath me in intellegence and classiness. So have fun using racist epithets, you just make yourself look ingorant and prejeduce in the process.

Now as far as you knowing more about hip hop than me because you're white, that's such a stupid arguemnt. What am I supposed to be impressed? Like I care what color you are to know more about genre that's in shambles now with untalented rappers such as Lil Wayne as "supposedly" the BEST in the game. Soulja Boy with his crank it having ass. He's a joke. And I know more about my peoples accomplishments and history than you ever will.You ever listen to "real" great artist such as : Hendrix, Charley Prides, B.B. Kings, Chuck Berry? Elvis and the Beatles each credited them for their sounds and have always paid homage to such great black artists.

You see, Blacks in the Americas (meaning all Blacks in America, the Carribean and South America drawing from African traditions) did create the Blues, Rock, Jazz, Funk, R&B, Reggae, Calypso and Gospel (Spirituals too) as well as influencing Samba, Bossa Nova, etc. rhythmically. Country music is heavily influenced by Black Gospel and Blues as well as some other European folk traditions as mentioned by Bassmeister before. Some of the melodic and harmonic elements came from European classical music also (many early Black Jazz composers studied Bach). Popular culture has always borrowed heavily from the Black sense of style in music, personal attitude, fashion and other areas in America and has influnced the world in the most profound and amazing ways and continues to do so to this day.

Blues, Gospel and Jazz have each contributed a great deal to the melodic approaches common in most American popular music whether it be in the form of "Blue notes, the Blues Scale, the Bebop scale or the numerous redefinitions of traditional melodies. They also provided new treatments for traditional European harmony in many cases (uses for Dominant harmony). Each of these contributions have made their way into mainstream American music and still exist today. Their origins can be researched and are documented.

The nature of the racist society we live in has much to do with why things may seem the way they do today. Copyright infringement, lack of access to proper legal representation, and general disenfranchisement by this country has resulted in others' ownership of music created by Blacks. The music was copied by others who later were able to create very similar music, but never quite the same.

When a peoples' language, religion, family heritage, access to work and security have all been taken from them and they are still allowed to creat art, each broken aspect of their culture will filter its way into the art they create. This is what makes their expression so powerful and compelling to the world.

Corporations (Sony, Time-Warner, etc.) do control musical product all ultimately determine what we see and hear the most and what will be available for purchase. Therefore commercial type artists will create the type of music that corporations tell them will make them "stars". True artists create for other reasons and often have messages in their music that corporations are not in favore of. The most powerful artistic creations are censored by corporations who do the will of the ruling majority.

Now as far as you making comments about my posting history, you come off as hypocrite AGAIN you yourself have made a post on the "Tool Academy" and 97% of your responses are on the "Bad girls club" so don't throw rocks at glass houses because you do the same. You come off looking foolish as always.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


^^^Good post, you got me, I admit it...but hip hop isn't in shambles, that type of thinking is what is destroying the culture. Why dont you dudes (black people) that complain about Soulja Boy, and Lil Wayne ever support the artist who are putting in real work and putting out quality music? Crooked I, Blu, Killer Mike, Immortal Tech, Atmosphere, UGK, Cunninlingyst, Dead Prez, etc....Hell even the Wu Tang members are dropping solo albums that are bangers....Why are you people not supporting this music that is being put out? instead you are sitting on your ass complaining about the state of hip hop, much like the people here sitting back and complaining about the quality of black movies.

Blacks have buying power, that's a fact. but you choose not to flex it on the right material. Instead you let us white folks spoon feed you the things we think you like. It's funny how idiot organizations like the NAACP, who'd rather b-tch and moan about minorities NOT being on TV shows...that minorities more than likely never watch *cough*Friends*cough*, instead of doing something meaningful for the black community.


All beef aside man, I'm a HUGE fan of the underground scence from the artists you mentioned like Immortal Technique, Dead Prez, Chino XL, Killer Mike, Talib Kwahli, A tribe called quest, Canibus, even Lupe who's kinda imbetween. Some other notable great artists: Nas and Outkasts. So I have been supporting them for a while now. My favorite group has always been Wu Tang and I have always loved how they changed the rap game since they first came out in 93. Now you are right about the underground scene still being alive and kicking with great artists who don't get nearly the exposure like Wayne and others on the radio. It sickens me actually because those underground cats have so much more knowledge and talent it's not even funny. The people who complain about rap being about drugs, exploiting women, sex and violence don't know or have never listen to any underground aritsts.

But contrarey to what I said before Cali artists being the same and what not I do admit that was wrong to say because it isnt true; I have always loved Dre, Snoop, Kurupt, Ice Cube, N.W.A, Cypress Hill and Xzibit. I'm not that familiar with the West Coasts underground scene though but I'm pretty sure it's dope. And yes I even have the Documentary from Game and I still like his music but being caught in the moment I did bash him because of the way you came at East Coast artists.

Now the NAACP has been a joke for a while now so you have a point there. It should be called NAABP because they like to defend black people rather than all "colored people" like their name suggests. Some of the things they've fought against recently have been questionable to say the least.(Threatning to sue Dorito's for making a commerical where the black guy steals the A.T.M.) And I can't stand black shows like House of Pain because I don't feel it really indentifies with a lot of blacks who don't go around dancing and making bafoons of themselves on tv like the media portrays us. Now the Cosby Show was great show that made people on the outside(white people generally) see that there can be a black household with a father and mother, who are both sucessful and are good parents to their children. I dont hate on Tyler Perry though, he's doing his thing but people feel because he's black other blacks have to support his works which I don't agree with. And I have black friends who watched and still watch Friends and I've seen a couple episodes so it's not completely unheard of, of blacks not watching it.

But it appears to me we both love rap/hip hop in general and yes you do know more about it than I do, but I'm squashing this beef now because it hasn't gotten us anywhere but back and forth tit for tat and we're both above that.

And BTW, the screenname change was due to my love for the Godfather. My old name was "NYC Corleone" but I wanted a better name for a while now so I went with my favorite character from the series.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker





he should move back to N.O.

