MovieChat Forums > Madea Goes to Jail (2009) Discussion > Something that bothers me....

Something that bothers me....

She gave them clean needles?
To help them??


She used to be in their place so she knows they're not going to stop using drugs just because she said so, so if they're going to be doing it this way they have fewer risks for diseases than if they used dirty needles.


I guess so....


Its to prevent them from getting aids from sharing needles. with or without them they are going to get high (or try to at least) so the clean needles at least won't make them get a disease.

The Geek Princess
Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck.


It's the same principle as giving condoms to kids in school. You can either preach abstinence which we already know rarely works or you can at least show them how to protect themselves.


that's a good way 2 put it
