How GHETTO is Madea?

On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give Madea a 9.

That is correct, nine. She is that GHETTO. What about the rest of you? I know some of you will think this is racist but I don't care because it's the absolute truth.


Haha I know, she's very ghetto and it's so funny!


I think that if Perry portrayed her as a nice elderly lady, these films wouldn't have achieved mainstream success. By portraying her ghetto, it fulfills the stereotypical expectations of his target audience.


You've obviously never been or met someone from the 'ghetto'. Madea is not ghetto. She is more country black than ghetto black.


about a 2 or 3...


I did not mean ghetto as in being from one. I meant ghetto as in a rude, hostile, angry, violent pain in the ass. Not to mention, complete lack of respect for authority or other people. Today's version of ghetto is about character as much as geography or race, so non-blacks can be ghetto based on their behavior.


She's blunt, country (not particularly well educated nor refined), and tries to help people be the best they can be. Many blacks either know or are related to someone similar - that is, some grandmother type who don't play and, in their own way, cares very much.

Columbus "discovered" America...because apparently 25 million Native Americans don't count.


Isle1970 said:

"She's blunt, country (not particularly well educated nor refined), and tries to help people be the best they can be. Many blacks either know or are related to someone similar - that is, some grandmother type who don't play and, in their own way, cares very much".

This above statement, I most definitely agree with. Although Perry's portrayal of Madea is intented to be "over the top", the essence of WHO she is (countryish, doesn't take any crap but with a good heart) many folks (especially Black folks) can certainly relate with.

Lots of folks (and not JUST Blacks) have 'buck wild" older reletives that act a bit like Madea. So I tend to agree that Medea is not so much "ghetto", as she is country-but smart like a fox. Can smell BS a mile away. And understands people well. What she lacks in book smarts, she more that makes up in WISDOM.


" I don't agree, but I do understand" - Chris Rock
