
Hey guys! I was thinking about playing this and I just had a few questions about the characters in game. Usually IMDB gets the cast list wrong. So are the following wrestlers in this?

1. The Rock
2. Undertaker
3. Kane
4. Bigshow
5. Mankind
6. Batista

If anyone can confirm or deny these I'd appreciate it :P


big show is not... and mankind as mick foley yes.... all the others is in it...


Awesome I actually just found the website and saw that they were. I haven't played a wrestling game since N64 so this may be stupid...Do they have their older skins (Kane's full mask costume etc) and are they fully voiced over? Besides whatever is said in the entrances?

Thanks again!


well I haven't played as kane yet but I think that only DX, Kelly Kelly and Mr. McMahon has different outfits... and the voiceover could be better... I played as Jeff Hardy and he had like 30 secounds of speaking



Thanks for the answers! I'll probably check them both out.


1. Jean Marc
2. Mark
3. The Rock
4. Undertaker
5. Kane
6. Bigshow
7. Mankind
8. Batista

I think i'am a character myself but i knew it buy is covers?
