MovieChat Forums > WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008 (2007) Discussion > Petition to bring back the multiplayer s...

Petition to bring back the multiplayer season made (please sign!)
Please sign it, and spread the word.

Now, for the benefit of those with flash photograghy.


Unless I'm mistaken, and I'm pretty sure I'm not, you can already play multiplayer in season mode, before each match you are given the choice to select another player for your opponent. Also, the game is already out, no petition is gonna get them to recall the games and change the format.

Is there a chemical in X that makes you dance like a prick?


No, you are not mistaken with that, but you have mistaken exactly what I meant. You can do that with matches, but I mean like in Smackdown! Know Your Role.
Lol, I don't expect them to recall the game. I mean for a future WWE game.
There's a lot of people I've talked to who want it back the way it was, like in Smackdown! Know Your Role, and a lot of those people were here on IMDB, so I decided to post it here.
If you signed it, thank you, and if you didn't, thank you for your interest enough to reply, and for bringing this post back to the top.

Now, for the benefit of those with flash photograghy.


Ok, what was it like in know your role? I never played the early ones unfortunately.

Is there a chemical in X that makes you dance like a prick?


It's like the story mode is now, but more than one person can play, as a different character, in their own storyline. Sometimes their storylines would clash, too. If they kept it that way, with adding the upgrades they have now, it would be awesome. Judging by the fact that there is only 12 signatures, either I'm not promoting it enough (Which I'm not. This is the only place I posted it, so far.), or not as many people cared as I thought lol.

That's a funny quote lol. What is it from?

Now, for the benefit of those with flash photograghy.


wow, that sounds cool, i think i will sign that. the quote is from an episode of da ali g show, when he was interviewing a dea agent.

Is there a chemical in X that makes you dance like a prick?


Yay! Thanks *kisses.....and hopes you're a guy* lol.

Now, for the benefit of those with flash photograghy.



I think what he means is more like "WWE Raw 2" where 4 players can go through the season mode, building up and developing their characters. feuding or aligning with each other based on whatever the GM assigns. Polish that up and you will have a serious multiplayer season mode on your hands.

I am Providence -- H.P. Lovecraft
