MovieChat Forums > Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008) Discussion > why a woman always survives at the end ...

why a woman always survives at the end of the movie??

and in this movie that blonde gets survived and they showed her like an alpha-female or something.
to tell you the truth bitches arent that brave!
they should know their place. showing boobs and being a side-kick is right for them.



How exactly are women not likely to survive, are we somehow little wimps who cannot fend for ourselves nor manage pain (child birth is actually a walk in the park, right)? We are adapted to as much as men, but just in different ways, in a film like this one anyway which was not about physical strength anyone could have survived.

Saying that I did feel the two male character victims were completely shown as pansy's and if it was the other way round, the feminists would be in a flap. it would have been good to see Bobby get away from rusty on his own and not be waiting around for his girlfriend to show up and save the day, can understand how irritating for a man it must be to see films with that formula. Watching older films however (70-80's), you can see the women were as useless as a wall flower when attacked, this is also rubbish and though I can see your point definitely how just the attractive should not survive, I think faced with danger I cannot see any woman being a scaredy cat to that extent.

Anyway a man did survive - rusty nail did



'You people' being?



Are you meaning people on here or in the movie?



I see but in a case of being hunted down and when survival instincts come into play a person would act differently to a mundane every day 'crisis' I would like to think. I can see your point though, people are too concerned with the everyday frivolous happenings and if something life or death threatening was to happen, it may overcome them. I suppose for the purpose and being of the human race I'd prefer to think not though



Its not always.
