Is it just me?

Is it just me, or is it every horror movie that's come out in the past decade or so is only meant to scare 15 year-olds?

If I had a nickle for every cliche moment in all these horror movies of today, well, I certainly wouldn't be sitting here complaining about them, I'd be out making my own horror movie >.>

Can someone please point me in the right direction of a good horror flick?


Oh, and by the way, if you couldn't tell by my post, I HATED The Unborn >.<


Rent "Session 9". it's definately not for teens.

~I love the rhythmn it is my methoood!~


^refrain from listening to the above poster session 9 is a joke movie that cant even be classified as a horror. Its really only good if you ran out of warm milk and need something to put you to sleep.I dont get why people praise it so much on this site, but then again the rating system on this site has always been suspect.


I'm of the firm belief that horror movies should NEVER be rated PG-13.

I'm a wh0re. Make her top 10 NOW!


i think all scary movies can be better if they were rated R. they just can do a lot more. i'm not too concerned with cliches just cause its expected in most movies. as long as the ending doesnt totally suck im happy.


Not just you, that is how a lot of movies are. Some good recent flicks were The Strangers, Drag me to Hell, Splinter, Friday the 13th (Not the best, but good) and My Bloody Valentine 3-D (not as good as the original, but a lot of fun.) Session 9 is really good as well, you might as well watch the older horror flicks they were a lot better than what comes out today. Evil Dead, Phantasm, Exorcist, Black Christmas (original) and crap like that.


I also liked Session 9. But then again, I laughed almost all the way through Evil Dead, so I may have different tastes than most horror fans. :)

"I'm gettin' heartburn. Tony, do something terrible."



In answer to your last question, yes.

Great horror films:

The Thing
The Changeling(1980)
The Exorcist
Evil Dead
Rosemary's Baby
Salem's Lot
The Innocents
The Shining
Jacob's Ladder
A Nightmare on Elm Street

These are some of my favorite horror flicks and I'm sure at least one or two of them will scare you.


Hellraiser always tripped me out. The sheer brutality in parts of it gives me the shakes.


Yeah, its a pretty creepy movie. My favorite out of those though is still probably The Innocents.


I'm Sixteen and I laughed an rambled about all the cliches, poor acting and promoting that went on in this movie. Waiting for a new, actually good horror film, like everyone else.

reply They're great! They have both gory & non-gory. Mostly of the latter variety. More ghosty goodness. But I may be completely off since I actually happened to like the Unborn.



i know what you mean but i gotta give them credit for never using the one cliche i kept expecting whenever she was looking in a mirror..

you know the whole thing where either the camera moves or the mirror moves and we either see something behind her in the reflection or in this case since its a medicine cabinet, have someone or something behind the door when she shuts it...

i was totally expecting that each time and amazingly they never went for it. lol


Rent "REC", the original Spanish version.


There is always going to be bad and good films no matter what decade you are in. About half of the movies suck or are decent and the rest are good to amazing.

For example here are 10 examples of this decade. (This is a personal list of movies I would rate on a scale of 1-10)

1/10 White Noise (2005)
2/10 Shutter (2008)
3/10 House of Wax (2005)
4/10 Vipers (2008)
5/10 Hostel (2005)
6/10 Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)
7/10 Creep (2004)
8/10 Reeker (2005)
9/10 [Rec] (2007)
10/10 The Descent (2005)

Not every movie from this decade is terrible. You'll always see its split down the middle (Unless you try and avoid terrible films, like me, you'll see less)


Your being WATCHED right now.

Member of the Addison Army.


I didn't think this movie was half as bad as the review that's posted. It was certainly no masterpiece, but I've seen a lot worse, and this was the first time I've seen Odette Yustman (that I'm aware of). She's rather easy on the eyes.

I have to say the character of her best friend was a complete idiot -- and written WAY too idiotic for my tastes. Certainly, there's always a friend in this sort of movie who's trying to tell you everything's OK, and that it's all just your imagination, but this gal was already superstitious and just blew off anything and everything that happened to her -- even when she ran over that creepy kid and he was fine, and THEN he told her "he doesn't want you to help her. If you help her, you will DIE." She didn't even bother to REPEAT what the kid said. What an idiot! She deserved to die, lol.

As for the list of good and bad Horror movies, I've seen most of those listed and generally agree for the ones I've seen. I saw ONE MAJOR omission, however -- the FIRST "Friday the 13th" movie -- not all the corny "Jason" sequels, but the very first one. I'd never seen anything like that before, and saw it at a midnight showing... was maybe 23 -- came home and went out on our patio to have a few drinks with my brother and our buddy we went to see it with... The driveway comes up alongside the patio, and it's a blind spot alongside the house where the driveway hits the patio (in other words, if someone were walking right beside the house, they could be right at the gate where you come in the patio before you knew it, if they were "stealthy."

Well, for the ONLY time in my adult life, I kept catching myself JUMPING and looking over my shoulder to make sure there was nobody sneaking up on us that night. I was REALLY creeped out, lol... I finally just said I wanted to GO INSIDE, lol.

Oh, and the first "Nightmare on Elm Street..." Brilliant! To me, that movie was a groundbreaker in the same way "Psycho" and "Night of the Living Dead" were groundbreakers, except even better as far as shock factor goes.
