MovieChat Forums > Polanski (2009) Discussion > Oh goody... a bunch of unknnows bitting ...

Oh goody... a bunch of unknnows bitting off more than they can chew.

Looks like they are trying to capatilize on the controversy surrounding his life in an attempt to cash in. The fact that they call it "an unathorized" look was the first thing that riased red flag in my mind because it basically gives them a license to do whatever they want without even trying to be objective.

I'm usually not agaisnt ambitious projects, but, seriously, what do these people actually know about the real Polanski?

What makes them that they can do the (great) man justice?

I shudder at the thought of what their "research" is like.



As a person who has seen his fair share of Damian Chapa flicks... this movie cannot be good
