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Quantum of Solace rules!

Sean Connery may have the James Bond for the 1900s, but Daniel Craig is the James Bond for the 2000s.


I agree Daniel makes a good bond but what exactly did you like about the movie?


Nothing in particular.

The whole thing was a pleasant, exciting experience.


i agree this was the best bond movie in a while. it was actually interesting and well done, and a bit different from the other generic bond movies.



Daniel is a alright bond, can't really say after two films. As the movie goes, Quantum of Solace was terrible movie. It ruined the bond I knew and grew up with. There was no cool gadgets, the bond girl wasn't even hot and the villain looked and acted like a baby the whole time. Story line was weak as well.

Bond was mourning over his girl? eh I didn't care for that either

