MovieChat Forums > 1612: Khroniki smutnogo vremeni (2007) Discussion > Blue Eyed Child to Brown Eyed Adult?

Blue Eyed Child to Brown Eyed Adult?

I'm not familiar at all with genetic traits but how does a child with blue eyes become an adult with brown?


All but a few Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes, they change color within a few weeks. But this is a different case. The movie is part fantasy,(unicorns) so this could explain this.


I had blue hair and platinum blond hair until I was about six or seven years old, at which point my eyes turned brown and my hair got darker and darker.


What actually matters is eye and hair colour of all 4 grandparents than eye & hair colour of parents since it only takes one grandparent be "true aryan" to grand childe to inherit these qualities. Chance are low but still excisting ones.


Well, my brother was born with blue eyes and light brown hair, then at the age of two his eye colour became brown. Finally, at the age of 13-14 his eyes became green and hair - dark brown. My own eyes were dark brown before my teenage years, but now are light brown/green.

So it is possible for a person's eye and hair colour to change over his or her lifetime.


There is actually such a thing as aryan, it has never been debunked, the evidence presented 200 years ago for the aryan theory have but as modern science has evolved so has our ability to verify and classify. No one knew about haplogroups and DNA when this theory was created, all they had were grave finds, phenotypical traits amongs certain populations that are said to be connected to the aryans and other circumstantial evidence, know we ABSOLUTELY know that aryans all carry Haplogroup R1a1a-m420 and that blue eyes are in fact a trait associated with this population as well as light hair and skin. They are every bit as the nazi "propaganda" describes them, if only they had dna testing back then they'd have the complete picture. Blonde hair and blue eyes are not part of the Y chromosome, they're passed on through alleles which are randomly passed on where as sex chromosomes are predictable(Your son will get your Y and your womans X and a random mix of both sets of your other chromosomes, only half from each all selected at random. That is why you can have a person who doesn't have R1a1a-m420 and they still have the phenotypical traits that are from this ethnic group(red hair, blonde hair and blue/green/grey eyes. The idea that there was only one or no aryan invasion into india is also incorrect, native indians carry haplogroup R2, they branched off from other caucasians(whites) around 30,000 years ago from somewhere in northern iran, armenia, georgia(caucus region, hence caucasian. For thousands of years after they these populations developed independently in isolation. Around 5500 bce a group of aryans living on the ukrainian steppe domesticated the first horses in human history, around 5300 bce they migrated southwest into the balkans where they developed the Vinca civilization and the worlds first writting system. This is also the place and time that the Wagon appears in the archaeological record. By 3200 bce this group of people refined the wagon into the chariot and used it to conquer every corner of the known world, 3200 bce marks the appearance of r1a1a-m420 in the British isles and the beginning of the mythical Tuatha de dannan era of megalithic construction such as the amazing Newgrange in ireland. 3200 bce is the biggest unrecorded(through documents) invasion and conquest in all of human history. The aryan people invaded india in 3200 bce and established the Indus valley civ, they also invaded Egypt in 3200 bce establishing the Old kingdom, they invaded mesopotamia in 3200 bce establishing sumeria(see comparison between vinca script and proto sumerian script. This empire lasted 1000 years and it all fell around the world at once. Megalithic ireland 3200-2200bce, egypt old kingdom 3200-2200 bce, sumerian era 3200-2200 bce,indus valley civ 3200-2200 bce. a people cannot stay unified for 1000 years separated by thousands of kilometers, languages evolve and change so do religions and custom, inevitably this empire was destroyed by it's own vastness. Various groups once united invaded each other, in 2200 bce the aryans from the steppes invaded india and ended the indus valley civ with fire and sword, these steppe aryans also invaded china in 2200 bce(see tarim basin mummies and Lei gong the thunder god*it's thor ffs*)they only settled western china but they invaded all the way through and crossed into korea then japan as well, small numbers of their decedents still live in the northern isles of japan(Ainu). In 2200 bce the celts invaded the british isles and crossed the rhine and pushed as far east as Frisia. in 2200 bce the sumerian empire was conquered by arabian nomads from the south and in 2200 bce Egypt was conquered by celts who also conquered almost all of africa at that point and half of europe.(celts came from northern spain before their 2200 bce conquest, btw celts aren`t aryan, they`re white but not aryan they carry a different set of haplogroups I.e. haplogroup r1b1b and it`s subclades, the evidence for ALL of these invasions and changes are in the dna. in 2200 bce, Chad(a central african nation) experienced a complete eradication of their male population at the hands of the celts with their chariots(at this point anyone and everyone who had contact with the aryans over the previous 1000 years had chariots) To this day the dominant male haplogroup in chad is R1b1b. As for india, the evidence for aryans is preserved by the horrific caste system, dna testing among caste indians and non-caste indians confirms that not only do caste indians have a higher frequency of R1a1a-m420(a 10-18k year old mutation that appeared in eastern europe) than non-caste but the higher up the caste ladder you go the higher the frequency gets, confirming the history of the rig veda which says that aryans came and `cast out the dark skin` and setup their religions in india. The very fact that you have an ancient irish goddess of rivers named Danu and and ancient Indian goddess of rivers named Danu shows a connection, then there`s the lingustic connections which are very well established.( see ìndo european language branch). There was an alternate hypothesis that it was an out of india migration and that is why there languages are similar, this is a b.s. idea though that can easily be disproven by the fact that r1a1a-m420 appeared in europe first and only appears in the highest caste members in india whereas in europe it`s very frequent and if there were an out of india migration you`d expect there to be a large amount of R2(native indian from the 30k split) dna in europe, which you don`t find in the archaeological record. The only populations of people in europe with R2 are romani gypsies and they arrived in the 7th century after a failed invasion of eastern europe muslims.(the invasion in western europe wasn`t a failure, at least until they were kicked out of europe 700 years later after they enslaved and murdered more people than any other point in recorded history. The aryan invasion theory is irrefutable so the ideologues on the left like to just dismiss it without actually doing it in an honest manner, they`ll just use assertion and logical fallacies to `prove` their refutation, the most common tactic is to just dismiss it as antiquated or to claim it`s about as scientific as phrenology or some other theory like flat earth that is widely accepted as b.s. when in fact all they had before dna to confirm it was archaeology and philology, you can easily debunk or cast doubt on the theory as it stood 200 years ago but today there is no intelligible argument against it and it`s usually just ridiculed or ignored because of political correctness and the on going dispossession and belittlement of the role of the white race in history.
