who else finds it annoying when

every single time he tastes something he looks like hes in total ecstasy and then has to give a 5 min long explanation on the flavors?


Yes-a adjative doesn't exist that he has not used....overboard every show.
I wonder if he shows that much enthusiasim for what he leaves behind in his toilet-Im sure that is a daily epic event.


Yes! The constant lip smacking is pretty disgusting too.


"Oh My!" "that bacon wrapped Raven-Left such a remarkable crimson color in my bowl"
Im waiting for thevBOWL MOVEMENT SHOW


Whenever he mentions the word "earthy," you know it tastes like crap. :)


YES!!!!! And all his descriptions are totally gross. I remember the episode where he was at someone's house and said a little bug he was eating was like a little ball of puss-but good! Really Andrew???


My favorite was something like "this tastes exactly like we're swimming around in a shrimp's behind"
