If it looks good, eat it!

That's the tagline for his show, but that's a bit misleading, because typically, on the show, Zimmern eats things that DON'T look good. I mean, he eats things that he really, really has to convince himself to even put in his mouth.


yeah, I have always thought that that is a strange tagline... it makes no logical sense as the show is about eating stuff that does -not- look good!


You kinda have to re-wire your brain to make something look good different than what you were raised liking.

For example he showed cuy (guinea pig) on an episode and it looked good....So when I went to Peru and had it a couple of times and it was good. If he hadn't showed me how good it looked I never ever would have thought about trying it.

He's done that for a number of foods for me.


That's exactly what I was thinking: some of the stuff he eats looks HORRIBLE!

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?
