Best quote?

There are so many, but here's on my favs from the latest episode:

(The Mother): "-How many unemployed people have you arranged to gang up on me?!"

That made me laugh :)


I love the line, "This is good pudding." (by Codex of course) It's just delivered perfectly. And any of Zaboo's "-ed," like "floorplanned." They're hilarious.

"But does he like me like me like I like him?" - Avenue Q


LOL...the "pudding" line cracked me up!!!!


Something like...

Codex: "Her Clara, where are your kids?"
Clara: "Oh yeah... riggghhtt...."

T:TSCC/DOLLHOUSE- Fridays at 8 & 9PM on FOX


When Vork complains about gas money. I don't remember the actual quote because I was laughing so hard over it.

His cheapness never fails to make me laugh.

"One may smile and smile and be a villain."


Oooo, I was in a sorority. I'm super into Vagina Loyalty


Season 1 episode 9, owning Bladezz has the best quotes of the series, there's just too many to mention, lol

Vork: "So what will it be? Repent, or Rape!?!?"

-The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


I'm a strict theoretical vegetarian...


Wade (neighbour): You're cute
Codex: I definitely don't know how to respond to that

the whole conversation with the neighbour cracked me up, little awkward Codex facing the real world :P


Vork "This conversation has lead me to discover new things about myself, namely that i would like to own a frozen yogurt machine"



This scene just about killed me:
Codex: Why is there a pack of cheese on the table?
Vork: Thank you for asking, Codex. The price difference here between a cheeseburger and a hamburger is one dollar. Now if you divide twelve into $2.95, the cost of a pack of Kraft Deli Deluxe in mild cheddar cheese slices, the slice costs 24.5 cents. If you bring your own cheese that's a savings of 75.5 cents per burger. Anybody requiring cheese may pay me so accordingly. Go ahead and round it up.
Tinkerballa: ...what the *beep*


*Bladezz does some fancy card shuffling at the start of the poker game*

Zaboo: "Yeeeah I'm detecting magic."

As far as stand alone quote goes it's nothing special, but the way it was delivered was spot on perfect.


Vork: "Women...cant live with em...they will not go out with me."


your face is so sweet, but your mouth is so sour, you know I got some pork and you can spread some sauce on it lol

According to wikipedia, I don't exist =] (NINJA!)


"I'm a Hinjew!" <=just the way it was delivered was perfect. XDDD

"WHAT? I left the windows cracked!"

Oh yeah and the whole convo with Codex and Wade when they first meet was hilarious also. xD

Hyde: I'll live inside you forever!
Jekyll: ...Oh crap.


"Vork, you let the retarded cousin ride the short bus, not drive it."


"apparently men will overlook anything if you show a little cleavage.

That's, not very flattering..."

great delivery, plus it's one of those facts of life jokes....

"HAHAHA, it's funny cuz it's true!!!" - homer simpson


Clara: On phone "Hearing your voice is making me really, really lonely". Hangs up "Two minutes of my me time gone!, ugh". Throws phone in sink

Me: Fell ot of chair laughing


Codex: "I am so glad I didn't drop my loot for you."

Vork: "Now I know how King Arthur felt when he saw Lancelot touching his wife's genitalia."

Zaboo: "Organic'd."

Hyde: I'll live inside you forever!
Jekyll: ...Oh crap.


Zaboo:I just dropped 8 gigs of RAM down my pants!


Zaboo: She breast fed me till I was eleven!

Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Work like you don't need the money.
