Oh come on

Whats next, movies about foot fetish? Being gay is just a fetiche, a fantasy, men who get aroused by other men. It's just that. Why do movies like this have to be made? Im not homofobic, if people are happy that way, fine by me, but its just a fetiche.


Your comment is about as absurd as your spelling (e.g. "fetiche," "homofobic,"). If being gay is a fetish, then I suppose one could say being a straight male is a fetish, since being a straight male means being a man who is aroused by women. Your understanding of what the word fetish means is clearly lacking.

As for why are movies "like this" made? Answer: The artists have something they want to communicate, and people want to watch these films. If you don't want to watch movies with gay themes, then my strong suggestion to you is DON'T watch this movie or similar movies. However, what other people choose to watch is really none of your business.

Live your own life and let others live their lives.


taekwondomaster you are simply an idiot.

"I don't even like cosmos bitch!"
