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Jake throw a hissy fit and James Caan walks off the movie


FITSNews - April 17, 2008 - We’re not sure how we turned into Access Hollywood today, but our source on the set of the movie “Nailed” just keeps on giving … and the lastest news is this: For the first time in a career spanning four decades and over ninety movies, actor James Caan has walked off the set of one of his films …

Citing differences with director David O. Russell, Caan left the set of the film last night and will have to be recast.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to bring you some news that has nothing whatsoever to do with this cursed movie soon …


FITSNews - April 17, 2008 - We know, it’s hard to imagine someone this manly throwing a hissy-fit, but according to our source on the set of the movie “Nailed,” that’s exactly what actor Jake Gyllenhaal did yesterday, causing the crew to shut down filming early and spend an additional day shooting at the South Carolina State House.

“He was complaining that the room was too small, complaining about the temperature, complaining about his chair,” our source says. “It was like watching a two-year old have a meltdown every five minutes.”

According to a source in the S.C. Treasurer’s Office, Gyllenhaal’s co-star Jessica Biel has by contrast been “delightfully friendly,” chatting up onlookers and even turning a few cartwheels on the State House grounds the other day.

Sources also tell us that S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford has invited the film’s stars to dine at the Governor’s Mansion with his family while they are in town, although he reportedly hasn’t received a reply yet.

One other thing, we can’t confirm or deny rumors that Sanford plans to pitch a feature film to Gyllenhaal based on the “Brokeback Fishing Trip” the governor took four years ago with State Sen. Chip Campsen.


How come Jake, who is still working, apparently threw a "hissy fit" and James Caan, who walked, apparently didn't?

It's all in the reporting, folks!


I was an extra on the set last week and it seems to me like Jake is a very nice guy. I don't see him throwing a hissy fit.
Jessica did look like she didn't want to be bothered at all.


You realize this is a complete crock. But thanks for sharing.


I had heard about james caan walking. Not sure about Jake, but thought I had heard he was pretty rude. I work in the building they are filming..



I sent you a private message.


I can total believe that James Cann has walked off this movie and quit, David O. Russell is notoriously difficult to get along with, the guy is a complete psycho, so I don't think it's much of a stretch to believe this story.


There are many versions of the truth of what happened in both of those stories floating around out there. FITSNews only has a partial version of the stories.
I mean come on people, stuff happens all the time on set, actors get frustrated the same as everyone else and then word spreads.
Take it with a grain of salt.


Hopefully this will be on Youtube shortly.


It´s good remember that George Clooney said never work with this director!


Biel was throwing her wardrobe out of her trailer the other day and has been complaining about unwanted attention from bystanders and how she wishes everyone would leave her alone. Granted, that's a reasonable request, but I wouldn't say she's being "delightfully friendly" at all.



I think that sources said Jake was unfriendly on sete are the same sources say he is gay!
This is why I don´t believe anything! I know he is being human but, for while, I prefer thinking Jake is nice guy and good professional.


I worked on this film and I can say for a FACT that Jessica was nothing but friendly and professional. She was an absolute delight to work with. The day before filming began, the cast and crew were invited to her house for a cookout and had a great time. Jessica, Catherine Keener and Curt Fuller were all smiles and filming went great on the days I was there. I think people really want there to be issues because of the director. But the fact is, the problems were not there.


Thanks for the update daisy.



You're right...there could have been a problem. I was only speaking of the days I was on the set. I did not work the same days as James.


Jessica said in a recent radio interview that there is no truth to the rumours about Jake being a diva on set.



"Hollywood Moms"

You mean the older cast members of the movie?


No I think he means the mothers of the children in the film. My god was that a funny post. I'm still laughing.


I see Jack! Kind of pathetic, if true though. I really started to take all the different reports from the set with a grain of salt!
I just hope in the end the film turns out good!


If James Caan did walk off the picture, he would hardly be the first actor to have "creative differences" with DOR. Think Lily Tomlin in I Heart Huckabees, and more recently it was reported Anne Hathaway left Silver Linings Playbook because of DOR.

He's an ass.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


Lily Tomlin also said that despite what happened, she'd still work with him again.

Whatever he may or may not be, he delivers the goods.

I've been a fan since Spanking The Monkey. He's batting .1000 for me.

"Nope, Hipster nonsense. I'm out."


He's batting .1000? That means you only like 10% of his movies?

I think you mean batting 1.000.



I remember all this drama. My son was supposed to play a small "under five" part in this movie (meaning he had lines, but less than five) but the film was cursed from the start. It went through major rewrites SEVERAL TIMES and my son's part turned into a girl's part (boy, that was fun, explaining to an 8 year old boy that they turned his part into a GIRL! Haha). It's hard to say who was actually responsible for filming shutting down permanently. Once my son was cut from the movie we weren't on set anymore (obviously), so I don't know when they started shooting again but I don't think the original shutdown can be blamed on the actors. They might have acted like prima donna's at times but that is fairly normal and doesn't shut down filming. A movie is only as good as the director, because he is in charge of everything and everyone. Before we even got to set, a friend of mine who is a Hollywood producer warned me that Russell could be really difficult and that I should warn my son how to behave so as not to incur Russell's wrath. His reputation precedes him. Think about it: Caan has never walked off of a movie before, so you can imagine what it took to push him to do it.

Jessica Biel, btw, is a total sweetheart. She signed autographs for a lot of extras and under fives. Maybe she did make comments about wanting her privacy respected, but come on, is that so unreasonable? She was always nice to everyone, including the locals, and a real professional. James Marsden was really nice too. I won't say anything about Gyllenhaal except that he is a very talented actor, and in the end, that's what matters. If he's a bit unfriendly at times, well isn't everyone?


I'm sorry, but maybe they should ALL grow up,grow a pair and realize just how lucky they are. I know, they all have their own personal problems, but given the money a lot of these actors of today are earning, shut the *beep* up and do your goddamn job!! This country has kids barely out of school, fighting for their country, being shot at, blown-up, disfigured, scarred and damaged for the rest of their lives! I often wonder when I hear, this actor is walking off because they had the audacity to run out of his favorite water and instead, oh my god, gave him... you guessed it, a different water. I'd throw it at him, stating for $20 million, he can p**s off and good luck finding the closest water-hole!! Babies, big, rich, babies!

Who do they think they are?! Well, we treat them like they're changing the world and so they end up with a sense of entitlement. When they don't get their own way, they're worse than Well, boo hoo, that's life, suck it up. But, that said, we enable these people... Yes sir, your water is 21 degrees precisely; yes madam, you have M & M's in your trailer and yes madam, they are ALL white!! Christ, these people can't even pick their own bloody clothes for an awards night. Give me a handful of precocious, pedantic, toddlers on their worst day... it'd be far easier than dealing with this lot.

I truly don't know how their PA's cope. Maybe they should get the big bucks!!

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@ Jon_Death. . .

Thanks for your comment, I found it honest and refreshing, something I don't come across often enough.

I don't mind wasting my breath, I seem to have been born with an over-abundance of it!! 🌀

I find the lines of all reasoning have become so astonishingly blurred over the past few decades and it really is such a shame.

Our kids showed us some tramp singer (term used loosely), called Lorde on the red carpet at the globes. They couldn't understand what a new singer, with only one hit single (again, termed loosely) would be doing on the red carpet of the Golden Globes dressed in tens of thousands of dollars of jewels. Apparently this Lorde is only 18. Since when do you have one hit, win two Grammy's and become a famous 'celebrity' that quickly?? What about all the people who have spent years and years crafting their skills and actually have a REAL voice. This chick can't sing live to save herself, she looks ridiculous, parading around like she's earned the right. And has she actually seen herself perform?? The hand/claw, the head swinging, good god, is this what it's boiled down too?? Are people like her the new role models for the next generation? If so, I'm petrified. This girl in particular needs to jump back into the bottle and let the genie NEVER open that lid again. 😱

There's a hundred Lorde's around at the moment in music, film and tv and I just don't get it, I really don't. It seems talent is not a prerequisite, nor is the ability to hold a mature conversation. But, let's put them all up on a pedestal, and call them famously talented... NOT!! Right up there with the Kar-TRASH-ian's. 😬

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