MovieChat Forums > Accidental Love (2015) Discussion > David O Russell is a disgrace.

David O Russell is a disgrace.

Makes a crap movie.. doesn't want to ruin his so-called "streak" or great films (American Hustle wasn't that good), so he takes his name off? Really? Whatever he had to do with this film, it's a garbage movie. Grow up.

Last seen: Paddington (10/10)


Yeah it's kind of funny he made a HORRIBLE movie and then demanded they take his name off of it. Why not just make a better movie in the first place? It's not like it was a good movie and they went and re-shot an inferior ending, or edited the crap out of it to make it shorter/censor violence, etc and therefore ruined what could have been a good movie.

This movie was just terrible all the way through and no amount of editing or reshoots would have fixed it. With the talented cast he had he should have been able to make a competant movie instead this movie was embarrassingly bad. The excuses about him not being involved with how it was edited and all of the other excuses are just that... excuses. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't place the blame entirely on the director. I didn't read the book it was based on but I can tell you that the script itself was terrible as well. The jokes weren't funny and the dialogue was cringe worthy. The premise had potential and the cast was decent but everything else about the movie was dreadful.


Comrade! One consolation: at least it didn't have Jennifer Lawrence in it.


This movie was made in 2008 so your point is invalidated.


Seriously, what a loser


Yeah this movie was made YEARS before Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. This whole point is as credible as the *beep* on shoe. Also, this movie was was PLAGUED with on-set issues, so there's that.

Nobody on the IMDB likes anything anywhere at anytime.
