One of Asylum's best

I have to admit, I watched this movie online, it was on that japanese youtube site, and it was a bad bad quality rip.
But judging from the movie, it was one of the best Asylum films I have seen. They have made some really good movies lately, I am Omega was great, and WOTW 2 wasn't half bad.
Apart from some bad ADR and some really cheap looking CGI (Which I assume and HOPE are a work in progress in this particular print, the movie won't get released on the Sci-Fi Channel until a few months,so they have enough time to fix them) I enjoyed this.
Sure there was a lot of stock footage, the dialogue was often cliched, but I have always been a sucker for time travel movies, and this movies wasn't boring, it was a Sci-Fi action all the way.
It was a fun movie! I hope that Griff Furst keeps making good movies, and that Asylum will find as good director as him in the future.
I will buy the dvd when it's out.


No the CGI is bad, but people dont understand how much good CGI is, hell good CGI for this film would have cost in the Millions with what they showed and the budget im sure wasnt over more than a mill and a half or less(well thats based on not knowing what the cast was Paid) SO hell just the CGI alone in Episode 3 I think was over 60 million, it had to have been seeing as how the whole thing was shot infront of a green screen. So I think it was good for what they had to work with. I agree it was fun and if they had a better director maybe it could have had better acting, it seems like he didnt want to push the actors...I dont know, As a fan of cheap low budget movies it was fun to watch and verry poorly written, its like no one did any research on Military aircraft or Seals, im sorry seals don't cry when their in a Combat Situation and Sea Hawks dont have fixed armament but hey it was fun to watch anyway




No, I was not.

Glad that I made you laugh though.

I just thought it was a fun and entertaining movie. B-movie fun all the way.


One of Asylum's best

Perhaps, but that bar really isn't very high.
