Just saw the Trailer..

I saw the preview of this movie...
and it seems pretty sexy..

"Oh no, we should just make out instead. La la la." - Paulie Bleaker, Juno


No, I just saw it, and I don't think any of it is titillating.

There are a few sequences that SUGGEST lovemaking and sexual contact between the male characters, but regardless of ones sex or the sex to which one feels attracted, I doubt that there are any scenes of this movie which are at all arousing, either of sensual pleasure or of emotional satisfaction.

*spoilers ahead*





The only part which I recall being somewhat erotic was a scene in which, for the first time, Shi must bathe the injured Yun. Apparently, the film decency restrictions of Thailand preclude the showing of the mid-sections of the male actors, nude, and in order to suggest the necessary intimate touching that must go on in this scene, the filmmaker chooses to show the tender manner in which Shi handles the feet of the sleeping Yun, gently removing his dirty socks and washing his feet. In a similar manner, there is considerable eroticism in one other scene in which Yun is bathing, the scene in which, finally, Yun is overcome with passionate emotion for Shi and responds with almost violent passion.

However, neither of these scenes approach the stark realism and believable reality of the corresponding moments of "Brokeback Mountain," in which the two characters reluctantly yield to their mounting feeling for one another.



sorry; this is not a gay erotic film. Hardly any sex, alot more violence and gang warfare stuff. Great stuff if that is your thing..
