Kjempe bra!

Dette var uten tvil den beste så langt.

Fort dere å lei den. Masse action, spenning...litt snuffsing også. Passer for gutta og jentene ;o)

Hvis noen fra filmen leser dette så hils a!
Kjempe fin serie som jeg håper det blir bare flere av.


"come with me if you want to live".


I don't know about that, but I quite liked it. Getting used to Wolf-boy now.



I still think its the best so far, but thats the beauty of opinions...if we all liked the same thing life sure would be boring ;c)

Cant wait for the next one to come out, and I hear they are making 6 more soon.
"come with me if you want to live".


Knallbra krim! Men si meg..hva var det han engelske duden her mente..du skrev jo på norsk også svarer han "Don't know bout that" ???

"toe manny snoeflakezz"

Elga,baby! Damn! No,I FOUND something!
