Worst. Movie. Ever!

I'll save the spoilers and my complaints, all I'm going to say is there was nothing good about this movie except for a few effects. I realize this was a low budget movie (and there are some I really like) but this was plain embarrassing - it looked like something a bunch of teenagers in high school made for a film project.
The plot seemed rather interesting, so I decided to order it. Something about this movie made me think of another film done a few years ago, I believe it's called "See No Evil" but just to clarify, Psycho Ward isn't a remake of that.

Long story short - horrible and unconvincing actors, terrible script and it made me feel more depressed and embarrassed than I'd ever felt in my entire life.
If you're into watching horror films and want to actually give this one a shot, definitely do it by yourself so your friends don't hold it over your head like mine did.

I've seen some pretty bad movies, this one has got to be the worst.

Agree or disagree, just an opinion from a disappointed viewer.


We watched the first 10 minutes and just took ejected the DVD, returned it to Netflix the next day. I didn't even want to waste anymore time on it!



Although it's not the worst movie I've ever seen (hard to believe, but there really are even worse ones out there), it is still a truly awful movie. I, too, was thinking it looked like a school project--that failed. The character Sarah is one of the most annoying characters I've EVER seen and there are lots of them. The only interesting part of it was the location but it went to waste in this movie. If it's so hard to get a movie made, as I've read many times, then why are there so many bad ones like this that do get made??!!

I've already seen the worst movie ever made, so it can only be uphill from there.



I really wish I had read your post first before watching the film. I would've saved myself 82 minutes worth of crap.

"Hate the sin, love the sinner."
