MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2007) Discussion > wow, horrible ending

wow, horrible ending

very anti climatic, what the hell, i bust my balls to beat this game on hard, and all that happens is ross tells them to swim deep? grrr, oh jericho you have surpassed my already low a bad way


The ending was fine considering that CB was considering a sequel for the game before this Jericho was even released. Ever heard the term cliff hanger?


What ending, there was no ending? That completely ruined the game! Though if im being honest the boss was amazingly easy! The designers must have given up by the end. Otherwise its a fine game.


They left it open ended for a reason....

There's already a confirmed sequel.

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.....


I loved the ending. It was way better then seeing a normal guy let his 3 booty calls go and justifying it by saying something really lame like "is it all worth fighting for? I would have to say yeah".

Or having a last boss that says "CCCAAAHHHRRISSSSSS!!!" *man that Wesker crap was a bad choice*.


Yeah, it's supposed to be like that for the sequel. I felt kinda vindicated too until I read that. i just hope the fact that the game didn't sell well doesn't hinder the sequel. :/

"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere..... "

Oh god, that made me laugh so hard xD I'm totally gonna say that next time I'm walking with someone and a black cat walks in front of us :D
