MovieChat Forums > Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007) Discussion > Six years later the world is definitely ...

Six years later the world is definitely a scarier place. Maybe Alex was

right after all?

As I'm typing this the US is about to attack Syria, possibly igniting a regional or even global war.

The US is also supporting Al Qaeda in Syrian civil war.

Qadafi was attacked and brutally murdered.

We discovered our governments spy on us (NSA scandal).

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple are all spying on us.

There's been SERIOUS talk about a gun ban. The POTUS promised to personally make sure of it.

Greece has de facto ceased to be a sovereign state, as it is now administered by ECB, IMF and EU commission.

European countries, referenda notwithstanding, signed much of their sovereignty away with the "Lisbon Treaty" to the EU, which now is talked about needing even more power.

The EU has a President, who was chosen among a row of Bilderberg members only.

In 2011 Bilderberg security assaulted a EU Parliament MPE, then had the Swiss police jail him for 3 days (Borghezio).

Agenda 21 initiatives are ubiquitous across the US.

So called green-taxes are rampant and pushed right as the western economy faces the worst crisis in capitalist history.

POTUS has now the prerogative to have people kidnapped, tortured and detained indefinitely (NDAA)

DHS and State Police are now equipped with APCs

DHS bought 1.6 BILLION bullets, lots of them hollow-point

POTUS is ordering DRONE ATTACKS around the world

Georg Haider, Breitbart, Hastings among others all died under mysterious circumstances.

We discovered pedophiles are protected and in high positions (at least in the uk).

USA and EU are working on a North Atlantic Free Trade Zone.

This only off the top of my head.


You're absolutely right. For all the stick Alex Jones gets, he gets a lot closer to the truth with his documentaries than the absolute rubbish, better produced, well funded, biased political docs we see.

I would say the world is getting a lot worse, and Alex Jones is vindicated time and time again. He may not be right about everything, and he's maybe a little nuts, but when you research his claims, I'd say 90% have credible evidence and the rest are a little exaggerated or taking a big leap.

All of the examples you give have happened, it's not a conspiracy theory anymore, it's fact.

I'd just like to add a few more European ones that you've either missed or don't know about because of your location in the US.

The Lisbon Treaty was actually the European Constitution. But it was renamed to get past a referendum promise in the UK. The Dutch and the French voted it down and were ignored. The British were never given the opportunity because of the name change. The Irish voted "no" and were asked to vote again soon after, after enduring the largest propaganda blitz I've ever witnessed in the MSM.

Silvio Berlusconi was removed from office, and replaced by a Goldman Sachs man for daring to suggest the Euro was a failure.

Marine Le Pen, leader of a mainstream French party had her political immunity revoked by the EU, for saying that a Muslim protest (a sit-in prayer) in Paris reminded her of the Nazi occupation. She's now expected to face prosecution. She's anti NWO, and recently spoke out against the Bilderbergers.

There are now millions of people in my country - the UK - facing hunger for the first time since the end of WW2.

Greece has food banks to stave off starvation. There are often riots on the streets, but it never gets reported in the media.

The central bank of Cyprus, operating under the orders of the ECB (European Central Bank), took money directly out of people's bank accounts if they had over 100,000 Euros. They were going to go after all depositors at first, but there was outrage, so they went for "the rich". Many of these so-called rich were pensioners who'd had their life's work confiscated, many more were small businesses. It's expected that these companies and individuals may lose all of the money. This was not a case of malinvestment by Cypriot banks. These banks were persuaded by the EU to buy Greek bonds to help out Greece. To stop the outrage, they claimed it was Russian Mafia they were taking the money from. Virtually all newspapers pedaled this line, but looking on webforums, the people complaining were small business and pensioners.


Here's my reply from 2015: Things are becoming unbearably scary.


Here's 2023 saying to all of you: hold my beer
