
Just finished Season 2, and by god, I LOVED PAUL/ECHO, and I loathed them killing him, that just down right sucked, there was no finale or finish for us who wanted them together, to get a decent love/sex scene. With chemistry like that...jeez really


*** Sometimes to feel the passion, you have to feel the burn ***


But, they did get together... sorta. Paul ended up in Echo's head, as an imprint. Not the same, true, but not necessarily worse or better.


ahhh to me thats a cop out, i mean really, you cant touch an imprint, you cant make love, you cant really live a life and truly intereact, it was just disappointing to me, Paul was my favorite character, i loved watching his interactions with just about everyone, especially Echo, and especially in Season 2.

*** Sometimes to feel the passion, you have to feel the burn ***


I stopped watching due to this pairing. I think it was by far the worst pairing I have ever seen on what would otherwise be a good TV show.

Feed me a stray cat.


really? Y? hell to me they never went far enough into this pairing, first he was holding back because of being her handler and then she pulled away, and then he killed me, talk about an unfinished orgasm basically lmao

*** Sometimes to feel the passion, you have to feel the burn ***


Well for starters I view love as something part logical, part emotional. He had neither of those things when he started falling for Echo. He was falling for an empty shell, then for the person she used to be who he NEVER met.

I might have been able to buy it if he had not been weirdly sexually obsessed with her BEFORE she started to truly form her own personality, but he did.

So anything that came after that was just . . .tainted and stupid.

Feed me a stray cat.


Thats cool, i guess i can understand that

*** Sometimes to feel the passion, you have to feel the burn ***


Well, the whole unrequited love thing is typical Whedon, and I think he's great at it. It's much more compelling as a storyline that nothing ever happens--it's what keeps people watching, although in some shows it can become irritating.

I thought it was perfect for the very reason stated above--Paul was so illogically obsessed with this person who he never actually knew, even tho he spent many years with her physical self and all the voices in her head. For him to be killed so unceremoniously was kind of poetic (within the storyline), because he then became just another imprint in her mind. It helps to fully realize how completely screwed up and non-human she had become.


Suddenly killing characters is also a Whedon trademark, especially when he's in a hurry to wrap up. Remember Wash?

What a lovely way to burn...


Thanks for that, that's one less show I need to watch now.

You can blame it on the rain, or you can dance in it.


So very little of love is actually logical that it's essentially a non-issue. Paul started off by pursuing Caroline as part of her job, then when she was continuously and continually unobtainable it grew into an infatuation. Once he finally had her, he wasn't able to bring himself around to express his emotions -- how is any of that logical?


Your post doesn't make sense, it is an issue because his behaviour was weird and notably illogical. A girl meeting a boy, them both liking each other and falling in love is not illogical, whatever was going on with his was.

Click On My Clicky Click!


I'm pretty sure he's implying that love is illogical. Look at all the love-hate relationships throughout culture and history.

"Ha, did he just call me a Luddite?"


i didn't dig the whole paul/echo pairing at all. he was sickeningly obsessed with her, like he needed to be her personal hero. and then when she tried to bag him he wouldn't because 'she wasn't caroline'. all, guess what buddy? caroline doesn't exist. she hadn't been programmed to want to get in his pants, so what was his problem? i dunno, he irked me.


He irked me too, he didn't know Caroline, he knew nothing really about her . . .all he knew about her was that she was a hot piece of ass . .. s'about it. His obsession with someone he doesn't know, hasn't met, wouldn't recognise him if she saw him and could very likely not even like him as a person was over the top and strange.

Click On My Clicky Click!


My rendition of it was that Caroline, the photo of her, was the first real tangible evidence - to him - that proved the Dollhouse existed. Let's remember that for eighteen months leading up to the premiere episode, he had been investigating the case of the Dollhouse, and his obsession grew out of that, he even lost his wife to divorce because of it. So his obsession clearly transferred from this place (the Dollhouse) to this person (Caroline), where his innate need to save the damsel endeared her to him. How many cartoon and animated movies have the whole damsel in distress saved by the white knight or prince?

"Ha, did he just call me a Luddite?"


Yeah i know, it was totally unnecessary for them to kill him. It was the end of the show, they could have just done the happy ending thing. After everything that Echo had been through she deserved to have something for herself.

live and let live


I know right

*** Sometimes to feel the passion, you have to feel the burn ***


You guys clearly don't understand Whedon. How could the guy who sent his good guys into an unwinnable battle as the series finale of Angel and killed off several of his most popular characters in Serenity NOT have killed off someone as important as Paul in the finale of this show? We wouldn't have gotten as much depth from Echo if he hadn't. He gets how important those hard decisions are and he makes them boldly.




I too was gutted when Paul was killed. I always loved their story, no matter how illogical. To me, love isn't always logical - or at least it shouldn't be. Also, to me, Echo was never really an empty shell. She was always evolving, and even though her personalities weren't always her own, she was still a person.



Joss was pretty much rushed to end the series because he actually got a fair warning to the show's ending. It was announced many episodes into the 2nd season, that Dollhouse was going to end. FOX thought the show had no hope in raising ratings for their low rated Friday night prime time slot.

Anyways, the season was doing well, but then suddenly everything changes in the last 4-5 episodes, that's probably when Joss found out. So he rushed about 3 seasons into just a small number of episodes. Had to pretty much go to the extreme with everything in order to give the show somewhat of a series finally.

Joss stated that he had about 5 seasons in mind for the show and pretty much had the season outlines with him. I'm thinking that the Paul Echo story would of had gotten a little more action during the 2nd and 3rd season. But since the show was ending, he decided to kill him and then imprint him into Echo's mind in order for them to stay together.

Something about Joss having two main loves not really end up happly ever after. Look at Buffy and Angel, for example. Even though their love is forever, they could never be together because Angel will loose his soul.



True. It sucks for Paul though because no matter what, he's dead.


I hated the pairing. Ballard was creepy and the actor wasn't that good. I've seen him in a lot of different other things and he's just...not that great for me. I just watched the series again and really, the only thing Caroline was to him was a face for his cause. Someone for him to save. That's all. That's it. And then he was disappointed when he couldn't interact with CAroline, he had Echo to deal with

Once Upon A Time Abridged


I wasn't super invested in the Paul/Echo pairing as much as I was with Sierra and Victor. I was just glad that they were together in the end.

My first thought when Paul died and she imprinted his memories in her was, "And she never had sex again."

How would that work, banging a guy with your lover's head inside of yours?
